Discover the softer side of life at Eberjey. Shop pajamas, robes, loungewear, lingerie, and more. FREE shipping on all US orders over $100.
Eberjey Swimwear In 1996, Eberjey founders Ali Mejia and Mariela Rovito set out on a mission to create top-quality lingerie for all body types. Fast forward to today: The label's luxurious designs, like Eberjey PJ sets, oh-so soft jersey tees, and lace bras, are known not only for the...
Fast Free Shipping & Free Returns on Eberjey Cozy Time Crew Neck Pullover at Shopbop. Shop new arrivals from Eberjey at
Eberjey 的联合创始人对支持睡眠和个人风格的美丽、功能性单品有着发自内心的渴望。他们希望睡衣不仅是性感的,还能提供舒适的穿着体验,同时兼具量身定制的完美感。无论是过去还是现在,Eberjey 都致力于为人们提供世界所需的居家舒适环境。在环保方面,Eberjey 一直在寻找更好、更可持续的面料、工艺和包装,以减轻对地球...
Discover the softer side of life at Eberjey. Shop pajamas, robes, loungewear, lingerie, and more. FREE shipping on all US orders over $100.
Shop Eberjey Swimwear at Shopbop. Explore the latest designer styles and enjoy free shipping and returns.
2020年,Eberjey在巴黎国际内衣展上荣获“年度最佳设计师品牌”称号。这是Eberjey的新起点,而不是终点。Eberjey的联合创始人兼创意总监Ali Mejia表示:“我们很荣幸能在内衣行业中获得这样的认可。我们看到了内衣市场上的某些空白,于是创立了Eberjey,让女性能自在感知自我,自信地拥抱自己——这与Eberjey创立时所流行的过度性...
选购eberjey PIMA STRETCH COTTON V 比基尼内衣 – 浅黄 在 REVOLVE. 2-3日免费运送和退换,30日内差价补偿
brand: eberjey $69 颜色: Cashmere Rose 已售罄请选择一个尺码 尺码: 尺码: S 尺码: M 尺码: L 电子邮件 通知我 或提交特殊订单请求 描述, currently selected 尺码及版型 关于品牌 本布: 50% 聚乙烯, 38% 棉花, 12% 人造丝.衬里:100% 人造丝. 冷水手洗. 粗纺线平针面料. 腰身拉带设计....
清仓‼️优衣ku纯元。尾货剪标!女士秋冬高腰内裤 2条/组 不tui换 ¥29.9 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐞*25春款涂鸦牛仔 小鱼阔腿牛仔裤 ¥288 TB 新版单肩斜挎包 客供牛皮❗️23*16*7.5cm ¥290 亏清‼️‼️不tui换 BK羊毛拖儿~勃肯𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐤𝐞*𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐤 大合集 全包+半拖...