Convertendo NL EBCDIC em LF CR ASCII É possível alterar caracteres de nova linha (NL) em uma mensagem de texto para os pares de caracteres retorno de linha (CR) e feed de linha (LF). Este exemplo mostra uma maneira na qual é possível converter estes caracteres. Sobre esta tarefa ...
data=ABCDE&source=text&target=ebcdic&output=nospaces&result= #2: It would be great if someone can help with function for#1 Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed....
Converter Software and Conversion Services Convert EBCDIC to ASCII quickly for Access®, Excel®, SQL relational databases and more. Our EBCDIC solutions and services handle all IBM Mainframe, AS400, and other COBOL data files of any complexity, including files from First Data Resources, Texas ...
This package can be added to Spark using the--packagescommand line option. For example, to include it when starting the spark shell: Spark compiled with Scala 2.11 $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --packages ...
EbcdicGbkConverter con=new EbcdicGbkConverter(); byte buff[]=null; buff=EbcdicGbkConverter.stringToEbcdic("AS400 Ebcdic Converter Testing"); System.out.println("EBCDIC:["+byte2HexStr(buff)+"]"); String st=EbcdicGbkConverter.ebcdicToGBK(buff); ...