ZKETECH EBC-A20 Battery Tester (User Manual) 1. Features EBC-A20 supports charge and discharge of lithium and lead-acid batteries. You can use this tester for charge or discharge or circle tests. When connect the tester with a computer, you will find even more functions with the help of ...
EBD-A20H User Manual Copyright (C) 2006-2017 ZKETECH 灼智科技 3. 接线方式 3.1 测试接口 测试接口是 4 个接线柱(支持香蕉插头),其中A+ 、A-分别连接到被测对象的正极 和负极,作为充放电电流的连接通道(粗线),另外 V+ 、V-也分别连接到被测对象的正 极和负极,作为测量电压的连接通道( 线)。这样通过...
manual: true transport: http rules: r0: request: cache: true method: GET path: /Images/Remote?imageUrl=http://baidu.com follow_redirects: true expression: response.status == 200 && response.body.bcontains(bytes("baidu.com")) expression: r0() detail: author: 曦shen links: - https://mp...
<data name="ManualPairButton.[using:Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve"> <value>Connecting devices manually</value> </data> <data name="ManualPairTextBlock.Text" xml:space="preserve"> <value>Manual Connection</value> </data> <data name="PairCodeBox.Header...