不仅将制动力提高了 30%,还改进了制动控制和调制。 这就是世界顶级骑手和X Games冠军Travis Pastrana 使用并推荐这款刹车套件的原因。 Enduro刹车盘: 采用优质德国轧制不锈钢,铸造成符合EBC规格的铸锭, 并在德国精密轧制,这种独特的钢完美地结合了碳和铬, 具有可热处理的特性,非常适合越野使用。 钢中的铬防止生锈,...
不仅将制动力提高了30%,还改进了制动控制和调制。 这就是世界顶级骑手和XGames冠军TravisPastrana 使用并推荐这款刹车套件的原因。 超轻的异形轮廓C系列OE替换转子,使用坚固耐用的优质德国轧钢热处理不锈钢制成,热处理至完美,然后金刚石研磨至微米级精确的表面光洁度和平行度。 CK/CKF系列离合器套件:采用独特合金粒子...
See More What do SCOTUS, POTUS, and FLOTUS mean? Flower Etymologies For Your Spring Garden More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Games & Quizzes ...
Epic Games 新闻 4天前 《The Alters》:Jan Dolski 和他(有时会帮倒忙)的克隆体们 11 bit studios 讨论了在《The Alters》中为 Jan Dolski 创造大量克隆体,以及为这款即将推出的生存游戏增添叙事深度和各种机制的过程。阅读更多16 小时 前 Epic游戏商城免费游戏计划将在移动端每周发布免费游戏,首发游戏为...
the path to the gold would become clearer. However, several pairs in mixed doubles throw their hats into the ring. Top seeds Marcus Ellis/ Lauren Smith took gold in Minsk at the 2019 European Games and with two semifinal runs at the Swiss and All England Opens, they will hope to deliver...
lifetime of experience in the region. His professionalism far exceeded others and we felt very lucky to have him by our side trekking the Himalayas. We had the best rooms with views and bathrooms throughout the trek and great advice for food/water. We loved our afternoon card games (7's...
You can then relax with board games, documentaries, or learning Nepali words. Everest Base Camp Trip Conclusion Farewell Dinner At the end of your trek, Discovery World Trekking will host a farewell dinner in Kathmandu to celebrate your completion. Later, we will also provide you with a ...
亿咖通科技在当天现场公布与虚幻引擎(Unreal Engine)达成生态战略伙伴合作,通过桌面级3D视觉创造身临其境的用户体验,还可支持大型3A游戏和丰富的Epic游戏商城(Epic Games Store)游戏生态。 马卡鲁计划2024年搭载在smart品牌的纯电量产车型之上,为全球带来次世代沉浸式智能化体验。
46. Olympic Games - 奥运会 47. Track meet - 田径比赛 48. Qualifying time - 达标时间 49. Doping test - 兴奋剂检测 50. Medal ceremony - 颁奖仪式 应用示例 在奥运会的田径比赛中,运动员们在跑道(lane)上展现出惊人的速度和耐力。短跑(sprint)选手们使用起...
Video Games音乐:Lana Del Rey - Born To Die (Deluxe Version) 这里的配乐可不是随便选的, 需要听大量的歌曲来选出最佳背景歌曲。据当时的报道说,《绯闻女孩》的配乐小哥每天听200首才挑中这首最佳。 在这之后,打雷姐的电脑被黑客入侵...