2.对于出现两个unpaid item cancellations(未付款订单取消)记录的买家,eBay卖家可以使用Buyer management preferences(买家管理偏好),阻止他们购物。 3.通过改变“items awaiting payment项目等待付款”的“Preferences首选项”,eBay卖家可以设置自动取消未付款订单。 4.以“Buyer hasn’t paid买家未付款”为由取消过多订单...
买家必须在 4 个日历日内为其在 eBay 上购买的物品付款。 如果买家未在此时间段内付款,卖家可以取消订单,并且买家帐户上将留下出价不买取消记录。 政策有何规定? 如果买家通过中标、同意卖家的议价或在物品刊登中选择“立即购买”的方式确认在 eBay 上购买物品,则他们有义务通过向卖家全额付款来完成购买。 在确认购...
If the damage is deemed to have been caused by the carrier that the seller used to ship the item to the hub, we’ll have the seller reach out to that carrier for a claim. What happens if the international carrier breaks or damages the item after it leaves the hub? The seller is ...
4.点击弃标物品助手(Unpaid Item Assistant)旁边的“展示(Show)”链接,并点击编辑; 5.选择“是(Yes)--我希望弃标物品助手(Unpaid Item Assistant)代我发起和结束投诉个案”。 ●eBay对弃标物品助手(Unpaid Item Assistant)的使用者有何限制? 没有使用eBay结账(eBay Checkout)或使用不安全付款方式进行交易的卖家都...
Packaging and measuring your items Combined shipping savings Savvy shipping tactics Videos: How to ship your item after a sale Shipping options explained Save time & money with eBay labels Expand your business with eBay International Shipping
如果买家未在此时间段内付款,卖家可以取消订单,并且买家帐户上将留下出价不买取消记录。 政策有何规定? 如果买家通过中标、同意卖家的议价或在物品刊登中选择“立即购买”的方式确认在 eBay 上购买物品,则他们有义务通过向卖家全额付款来完成购买。 在确认购买之前,买家应注意: ...
Automated Unpaid Item Process自动化出价不买处理流程 Badge on Item Page「物品页面」上的标志 Best Match最佳匹配 Best Offer议价 Best Practices实战手册 Bid Cancellation取消出价 Bid Increment加价幅度 Bid Retraction撤回出价 Bidder出价者 Bidder Search按出价者搜索 Bidding竞拍/出价 Blackthorne Blackthorne黑色荆棘 ...
shouldn't that let me close the unpaid item today? it was sold at 12:17. But for some idiot reason, eBay claims (in my eBay) that it sold May 3rd even though the listing says April 30. Shouldn't I be allowed to close that today? Good Moms let you lick the Beaters.Great Moms ...
Automated Unpaid Item Process自動化出價不買處理流程 Badge on Item Page「物品頁麵」上的標誌 Best Match 最佳匹配 Best Offer 議價 Best Practices 實戰手冊 Bid Cancellation 取消出價 Bid Increment 加價幅度 Bid Retraction 撤回出價 Bidder 出價者 Bidder Search 按出價者搜索 ...
In the event the arbitrator determines the claim(s) you assert in the arbitration to be frivolous, you agree to reimburse eBay for all fees associated with the arbitration that have been paid by eBay on your behalf that you otherwise would have been obligated to pay under the AAA's rules....