When shopping on eBay, you'll find items from all over the world. If you buy from an overseas seller, they can ship to you through regular international shipping services, or if they're in the US or UK, they may choose to use eBay's Global Shipping Program (GSP). 3 min article Fin...
You may see a choice of payment currency options at checkout. For example, if you live in the US, and want to pay for an item located in the UK, you may see the option to pay in either GBP or USD. If you choose to pay in your local currency and it's different from the curren...
Meu eBay Requisitos de importação dos Correios Etapas necessárias para receber remessas importadas. Saiba mais Saiba mais De tendência no eBay Luxo Tênis P&A Recondicionados Figurinhas Luxo vintage Brinquedos Descubra um mundo de figurinhas ...
eBay’s Retail Revival Expands Operations to include the U.S., UK, and Canada Now live in 3 countries, Retail Revival enables small businesses to harness the power of ecommerce and global trade. March Google Pay Now Accepted on eBay
This field is only applicable and set if the seller wishes to set a restriction on the purchase quantity of an inventory item per seller. Secondary Category Id offers.secondaryCategoryId string Unique identifier for a secondary category. SKU offers.sku string Seller-defined SKU value of the...
ECUK ebay.co.uk United Kingdom, Jersey, Guernsey, Gibraltar (references made herein to the “United Kingdom” are deemed to also include Jersey, Guernsey or Gibraltar for the purposes of these Payment Terms of Use)* VI. ADDITIONAL PAYMENT TERMS FOR SERVICES PROVIDED BY eBay Commerce UK Ltd....
官方店adidas_official促销活动非常猛,几乎全场的商品都有额外7.5折,配合上本身就是三折起的低价和EBAY中文平台专享的值友10美金优惠,三重叠加后不少商品都是白菜价。比如说我刚刚下单的EQT BOOST实付34.99美金(同款鞋子我一个男同事是在实体店1599元一分都没打折买的……),EQT SUPPORT ADV只要27.49美金,非PK鞋面...
Item location see all Default UK Only European Union Worldwide Delivery options see all Free postage Free Click & Collect Show only see all Returns accepted Completed items Sold items Deals & savings Authorised seller Authenticity verified More refinementsMore refinements... Sell on eBay Sell Other ...
So, I'm based in the US, I expecting a eBay purchase PBI, it had made it through UK customs and the package is in US. The package travelled the long route, but made it to my state two ago (due my ability yo see where my package was at all times it was less than 20 miles aw...
I recently purchased an item from an eBay seller with "Ground Advantage Shipping" as the only option. 5 days after the purchase, the shipping status was finally updated to indicate "Shipping Untracked." I've never seen this before and didn't even know there was an option to ship an item...