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With Spring finally here, there’s no better time to start selling on eBay.co.uk and refresh your home with the things you love.
With Spring season well underway, eBay.co.uk has revealed that Brits have been investing in a somewhat retro pastime.
I am waiting for 3 GSP parcels from USA/ Who is the UK courier? Tracking is secretive. It was VERY hard recently for a seller to combine postage for 3 small books and doing so actually raised the postage price to 3 times the initial cost. I could not get it down. ...
UK sellers can ship to 87 different countries, listed on theeBay.co.ukGSP page for buyers. What is the cost of eBay GSP to sellers, or is it free? There is no fee to use the Global Shipping Program but sellers will still have their usual eBay and PayPal fees to pay on the sale ...