Store selling fees Fees for selling a vehicle on eBay Motors Insertion fees When you list an item for sale, we charge a fee per listing, per category. We call this an insertion fee. If you choose to list your item in two categories, you also pay an insertion fee for the second catego...
If you have an eBay Store, fees are different for Store subscribers. Please read this article.Insertion fees Every month, you get up to 250 zero insertion fee listings, or more if you have an eBay Store. Learn more about how zero insertion fee listings work, including the terms and exclus...
我们收取的出售费用主要有两种:在您创建物品刊登时收取刊登费,以及在售出物品时收取成交费。 我们收取的金额取决于物品价格、您为物品刊登选择的刊登形式和类别、您添加的任何可选刊登升级以及您的卖家行为和表现。 您是否有 eBay 店铺或想要出售车辆?不同店铺订户和出售车辆的费用不同。 对于注册地址位于大中华区的卖家,eBay会对买家注册地址或收货地址位于大中华区以外的交易收取国际销售费用,这个费用会从从卖家的销售款项中自动扣除。不过,eBay平台对于这个费用实际是有费率折扣优惠、甚至可以完全减免的。 对卖家来说,要获得折扣其实门槛也...
6、费供开设精选店铺、超级精选店铺的卖家以及订阅专业版backthorne 的卖家使用美国站店铺卖家费用介绍店铺卖家费用表格(所有费用以美元计) :美国站店铺卖家费用/ fees for ebay store sellers店铺月租费(自动续租)/ store subscription fees店铺级别 /store level费用费用(订阅店铺一年)基础店铺/ basic$19.95/ 月$15.95...
† Enterprise Store 订户可以为附加套件中的“定价”物品刊登购买额外的零刊登费物品刊登。套装物品必须在购买后个月内使用: 10,000 个额外零刊登费物品刊登-每月 250.00 美元 50,000 件额外免刊登费物品 — 每月 1,000.00 美元 成交费 我们会在物品售出时收取成交费。 这笔费用按销售总额的百分比计算。销售总...
Store selling fees For a monthly subscription, you can run your own eBay Store. The fees and benefits vary depending on the type of Store subscription you choose. 16 min article Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors The fees for listing and selling a vehicle on eBay Motors are different...
Manage your eBay Store Discover how to manage your eBay Store through Seller Hub, including putting it on a vacation setting. Close your eBay Store Find out how to close your eBay Store, and what happens to your active listings when you do. Store selling fees Learn about eBay Store fees ...
eBay charges fees on the selling price, plus any shipping price you add to that, plus the sales tax.Considering eBay fees vs brick and mortar store? OR even just keeping up with your sales records on your own...It's a STEAL!About the fee on sales tax also? You try collecting and ...
International Selling Fees Fee for selling to a buyer outside your registered country 1.1% of the total sale amount Limit your listings to buyers in Australia Store Subscription Fees Fee to open an eBay store Varies by store level Choose the store level that best fits your selling needs ...