Find the subscription that fits your needs→ Select and review →Choose themonthly or annual subscription plan→Enter aname for your eBay Store → Submit orderto purchase the eBay Store subscription. You’ll receive more free listings per month if you upgrade your subscription. Otherwise, you can...
每个月,您将收到免刊登费物品刊登的配额,这意味着您可以在许多类别中刊登要出售的物品,而无需支付刊登费– 其他费用可能仍适用。只有当您使用完这些免刊登费物品刊登后,才需支付刊登费。 如果您拥有一个普通或更高级别的eBay 店铺, 您每月将收到比没有店铺的卖家更多的零刊登费物品刊登。
When you first sign up as an eBay seller, your account is free. As you grow your sales and listings, you can choose to upgrade to aneBay Store subscription. There are different levels of stores you can subscribe to, with different levels of benefits: Starter, Basic, Premium, Anchor, and...
拥有一件具有历史意义的运动纪念品,使用支付宝进行支付可享优惠。 代码ALI25CTB1 代码ALI25CTB1 查看条款和条件。 支付宝支付,全新上线 只需轻点几下,就能更轻松地买你所爱 了解更多 了解更多 收藏品:宝可梦、漫画等 领取优惠券 宝可梦 动画艺术收藏品 ...
如果你不想为eBay store订阅付费,则可以自己为商品提供折扣。这可能无法为你提供与官方促销活动相同的曝光度,但它可能会吸引部分潜在买家的注意。 为此,你可以编辑listing的标题或描述以反映你所提供的优惠。例如,“Free gift with purchase”或“Free shipping for the next three buyers”。请确保在你的描述顶部以...
eBay还宣布,将为卖家提供最高4美元的运费补贴,以支持带有“eBay Plus”标识的产品。这些补贴会在消费者结算页面自动计入,有助于抵消快递升级的成本。位于大城市的eBay Plus会员将自动升级,继续享受“免费配送”服务。蓝海亿观网了解到,eBay在2018年推出了eBay Plus会员项目,为消费者提供专属优惠和...
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Seller Store Subscription Level eBay Zero Insertion Fee listing allotment per subscription level Webinterpret to list 50% of total qualified listings capped at amounts below (per market) Enterprise 100,000 5,000 Anchor 25,000 4,000 Premium 10,000 2,000 Basic 250 1,000 Starter 250 500 The pr...
>Is the 8 free listings available when I use "sell similar"? This problem has already been discussed on several threads to no definite conclusion. eBay seems to be making the 8 relists for auctions available to select sellers in a random manner. An eBay CS has told several users that thi...