eBay, home to the most beloved Star Wars collectibles in the galaxy, today announces “Your Side of the Fourth,” a curation of rare and iconic items spanning the franchise’s decades-long history. Just in time for May the 4th, the “Your Side of the Fourth” collectio...
eBay宣布与CCG达成战略合作,助力收藏文创产业出海发掘全球商机 松果财经获悉,中国,上海 —— 7月28日,在2023年第二十届中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(简称:ChinaJoy展)上,全球电子商务领导者eBay宣布与全球知名的收藏品鉴定认证服务机构Certified Collectibles Group(以下简称CCG)签署合作备忘录,达成战略合作伙伴关系...
Star Wars collectibles, a Cabbage Patch Doll or a Barbie from the 1980s, or a vintage video game console from the 1990s. D.C.’s Aquaman or Marvel’s Spider-man have then-and-now action figures for fans at any age. Does your child have an American Doll or a Disney Princess obsessio...
5.04 个商品评分 Tammi's Collectibles (5668) 99.1% 好评率 价格: US $7.95 约58.07元 + US $25.60 运费 预计送达日期:11月6日, 星期一 - 11月16日, 星期四预计送达日期:11月6日, 星期一 - 11月16日, 星期四 退货: 30 天退货.由买家支付退货运费. ...
“We are excited to give lifelong Star Wars fans and new collectors alike rare access to historical items from one of the most iconic and important franchises of our time,” said Sam Bright, Senior Director of Art & Collectibles at eBay. “The sale and incredible discovery b...
as there’s always been a fervent market for star wars ephemera, especially on popular auction site ebay. to untangle the booms and busts of star wars collectibles we spoke to collector specialist randy garcia, who has been buying and selling memorabilia from the galaxy far, far away for mor...
松果财经获悉,中国,上海—— 7月28日,在2023年第二十届中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(简称:ChinaJoy展)上,全球电子商务领导者eBay宣布与全球知名的收藏品鉴定认证服务机构Certified Collectibles Group(以下简称CCG)签署合作备忘录,达成战略合作伙伴关系。此次战略合作旨在依托双方优势资源,针对收藏卡、钱币、收藏玩具(手办)...
上海2023年7月28日/美通社/ -- 7月28日,在2023年第二十届中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(简称:ChinaJoy展)上,全球电子商务领导者eBay宣布与全球知名的收藏品鉴定认证服务机构Certified Collectibles Group(以下简称CCG)签署合作备忘录,达成战略合作伙伴关系。此次战略合作旨在依托双方优势资源,针对收藏卡、钱币、收藏玩具(...
Buy & sell electronics, cars, clothes, collectibles & more on eBay, the world's online marketplace. Top brands, low prices & free shipping on many items.
近日,2023年ChinaJoy展期间,eBay宣布与全球知名的收藏品鉴定认证服务机构Certified Collectibles Group(以下简称CCG)签署合作备忘录,达成战略合作伙伴关系。 根据合作备忘录,CCG将致力为eBay卖家提供优质的专属化认证服务,加快送评时效,降低送检成本,为经过认证的收藏品配备专属标签,以促进买卖双方完成高效、快捷和安全的交易...