另外一种方法是通过谷歌搜索字符定制,输入特定搜索指定给ebay网站的搜索指令,例如输入这串搜索字符"sold in last 24 hours" wrap with quotes, inurl http://www.ebay.com/itm,指的是搜索过去24小时有销量的,指定是ebay网站的结果,告诉谷歌,谷歌会按照你输入的指令给你搜索这些24小时有销量的产品,然后同样的方法...
arriving here tangentially, are likely to bid out of all proportion to what you'd get from regular collectors with experience in this sub-community of eBay and with ready access to reference books about prices for this kind of collectible. Remember, you don't need for millions of people to ...
I've already sold the few I had extra. I'm planning on making a large (how large I haven't decided) display using these arrays. I think something like SparkFun's LED coffee table would be cool. I'm not sure if I want to use 64 of these or not though. These PCBs require a ...