在物品刊登设置页面的price模块中,选择【Fixed price】选择以“一口价方式”销售物品。 在“Buy It Now price”下方文本框中输入“一口价”物品的销售金额。 设置“拍卖方式”物品价格步骤 在物品刊登设置页面的price模块中,选择【Auction】选择以“拍卖方式”销售物品。 在“Starting price”下方文本框中输入物品的...
图片一:eBay普通拍卖宝贝 一口价,就是Buy It Now,卖家直接写了一口价的可以直接买下,如果卖家很熟悉市场价,那么这个价格会比较适中,如果卖家不懂的话要么敝帚自珍,挂一个高的离谱的价格,导致风干没人理,要么以为不值钱,挂个几十块一口价就出掉了,其实加个0还能卖出去,这样也有些乐趣,就是检漏,遇到低的离...
UserName: 出价者用户名。 QuantitySold: 已售出的商品数量。 ListingInfo: 列表信息。 ListingDuration: 列表持续时间,如GTC(Good Until Canceled,直到取消为止)。 ListingType: 列表类型,如FixedPriceItem(固定价格商品)。 BestOfferEnabled: 是否启用“最佳报价”功能。 PaymentMethods: 支付方式,如PayPal。 ShippingIn...
UFD 销售方式比例: Auction / 6.9%,多为异型&工艺类; Buy it now / 93.1%,常规类; Sort : ——— 排序(分类); Best match ——— 最符合; Time : ending soonest; ——— 依时间:快结束优先; Time : newly listed; ——— 依时间:新刊登优先; Price + shipping : lowest first ——— 最低价...
在全球网络交易平台 eBay 享受买卖乐趣,从电子产品、汽车、时尚服饰、收藏品、体育用品、数码相机、婴儿用品到优惠券,应有尽有
Some sellers will offer a Buy-it-Now price, as well as accept regular bids.The Buy-it-Now price usually stays up until someone Buys-it-Now or the listing expires, at the highest conventional bid.Some few auctions will have the Buy-it-Now price evaporate as soon as the first sucker ...
Publish Offer 25002 I have this inventory item created successfully;{ "price": { "value": "25.00", "currency": "USD" }, "condition": "NEW", "availability": { "shipToLocationAvailability": { "quantity": 100 } }, "product": { "title": "GoPro Hero4 Helmet Cam10", "descript.....
If I extend an offer to someone who has viewed a "buy it now" item, if someone else then buys the item at the full price, the offer is void. In other words, whoever pays first gets the item. Correct?? Also, how long should the offer period period be?? Many thanks. Message 1...
You will have the option to choose between “Auction” or “Buy It Now” pricing. For most items, “Buy It Now” is usually the way to go to lock in your desired price. If you’re willing to go lower, you have the option to accept customers’ offers on your item. ...
I have about 200 marbles on auction with a buy it now option. A buyer wants to make an offer on only 4 of the marbles. Can I do this while the action