实际上它并不是一成不变的“老古董”,不仅没有退出历史舞台,还“火出圈”,深受海外年轻人的喜爱。在eBay平台上,“缝纫机”(sewing machine)、“绣花机”(embroidery machine)等关键词已成为家居品类中的搜索热词,销售节节攀高。 为了方便人们实现“裁剪自由”,“变小”、“变精致”、“可携带”成为缝纫机的一个...
Shop by department, purchase cars, fashion apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, cameras, baby items, and everything else on eBay, the world's online marketplace
Everything for sewing, knitting, crochet, needlepoint, cross stitch and more. A better way to shop eBay!
Shop by department, purchase cars, fashion apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, cameras, baby items, and everything else on eBay, the world's online marketplace
Shop by department, purchase cars, fashion apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, cameras, baby items, and everything else on eBay, the world's online marketplace
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Shop by department, purchase cars, fashion apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, cameras, baby items, and everything else on eBay, the world's online marketplace