买家点击该选项,eBay会跳出如下提醒: “How do I make an offer? The seller hasn't enabled offers for this item. See if they'll consider - send a message with your best price(我该如何报价?该商品卖家还未提供优惠报价。你可以尝试像他们发送你意向价格,看看他们接不接受)。” (3) eBay卖家向提出...
给买家发送信息:如果卖家希望尝试与买家沟通,一起解决这次纠纷,卖家可以选择【Send a message to the buyer】给买家发送信息(例如,卖家可以尝试和买家沟通,请买家与其邻居查询一下,是否包裹在送达时,买家不在,包裹由邻居代收等情况)。 如果买卖双方无法在3个工作日内达成一致,双方都可以要求eBay介入帮助调查解决纠纷。...
5. Buyer wants you to send the item overnight/express and will pay you a lot extra to do this6. Buyers says that they cannot pay through the eBay website and sends you a link to click on so that the payment will go through7. Buyer offers more for your item than the ...
4. 如需买家在结账时看到说明,可点选【Include a message at checkout when they pay】;如你允许买家通过在线物品联系你,可点选【Send you messages on eBay while they're shopping】;如你希望买家在点击刊登中的“Ask a question/询问卖家问题”时显示“Q&A/问题与回答”页面,可点选【See answers to your ...
I keep on trying to send a message to a seller and keep getting an error message that says "Looks like something went wrong. Please try again later." I've restarted my computer, cleared my cache, tried different browsers and nothing has worked. Please help! Thanks! Message 1 of 5 lates...
我们建议您在发送退款提议之前,先用流程里面的 “Send Message to Buyer”联系买家商议部分退款的金额(注意,此退款提议是一次性的)。买家在收到您的部分退款提议后,有10个工作日来决定是否接受,在此之后请求将会过期。注意,买家在收到部分退款的提议后,如果不满意而拒绝,他仍然可以将此请求升级给eBay。
进入ebay账户,点击 Purchase history (购物记录)进入购买记录里面 ,点击More actions(更多操作) ,找到 Contact seller(联系卖家)然后选择I have a question about using my item or I want to send the seller a message(我在使用中遇到问题给卖家发送消息) ...
我们建议您在发送退款提议之前,先用流程里面的 “Send Message to Buyer”联系买家商议部分退款的金额(注意,此退款提议是一次性的)。买家在收到您的部分退款提议后,有10个工作日来决定是否接受,在此之后请求将会过期。注意,买家在收到部分退款的提议后,如果不满意而拒绝,他仍然可以将此请求升级给eBay。
对于已存档的订单,最多可保留4个月的记录。 ●“Return Preferences”(退货偏好设置) 卖家可通过退款金额或退货原因设置自动的退货规则,是直接“Send a refund”(退款)还是“Accept a return”(接受退货),提高卖家响应的效率,提高买家体验度。 三、Listings ...
I am afraid the message has been intercepted, so I have to send this message to confirm again. Maybe you don't know I am just the graduated students in 2017, this is my first job, I want to do well. That's the reason why I have sent several messages to beg you leave your ...