Fashion & Clothing UK buyers enjoy a mix of high-street brands like River Island, Topshop, and New Look for everyday wear. However, they also love vintage finds and designer labels like Burberry and Vivienne Westwood. Cater to all styles with a wide range of clothing, shoes (trainers, bo...
was raided by its rival Inc. that store customer information and used the data to steer buyers to its own site. Lawsuits filed by eBay against ReverseAuction; Terms of a consent agreement signed by
eBay称这将帮助其更好地接触2000万买家。据介绍,Riskinned目前与包括Finisterre、Sweaty BettyRiver Island和Joules在内的30多个品牌合作,从购物者手中收回破旧衣服,并对其进行修复,以便转售、重新使用或回收,从而延长物品的寿命。据eBay的“2022年全球二手报告”,目前42%的eBay买家希望减少浪费,与Reskinned的合作将为这...