★ 退货时使用Deduction功能进行部分退款 在Deduction 页面进行的所有类型部分退款都不会获得任何费用退还,如不开启 “Shipping cost” 来进行运输成本扣减。 什么是Deduction功能? 当接受退货的5个工作天后,卖家仍然未进行退款,退货页面会出现Deduction功能,这个功能只限于美国eTRS卖家和合格(Above standard)卖家使用。 案...
We will send you a new one after receiving your parcel. Please be aware the return shipping cost and re-send shipping cost will be charged on your side. Thanks for your understanding and any other questions feel free to let me know....
Return Shipping Cost Payer returnPolicies.internationalOverride.returnShippingCostPayer string This field indicates who is responsible for paying for the shipping charges for returned items. Marketplace Id returnPolicies.marketplaceId string eBay marketplace ID to which this return business policy ap...
When I sold on ebay, I had my account set as you mentioned, (No returns) however, I was expected to pay return shipping anyway. Is there a way to set your returns so that the "seller" only pays for return shipping for "higher cost" items = and not low cost items ?? If it was...
"returnInstructions" : "string", "returnMethod" : "ReturnMethodEnum : [REPLACEMENT,EXCHANGE]", "returnPeriod" : { /* TimeDuration */ "unit" : "TimeDurationUnitEnum : [YEAR,MONTH,DAY...]", "value" : "integer"}, "returnsAccepted" : "boolean", "returnShippingCostPayer" : "Return...
2.设定 Domestic shipping 货运细节。 “Domestic shipping”下拉菜单中,“Flat: same cost to all buyers”是为每体物品设定固定运费,“Calculated:Cost varies by buyer location”是为不同地区的买家设置不同运费,“Freight: large items over 150lbs”是为超过 150 磅的大型物品设置运费,“No shipping: Local ...
If you are a top rated seller I believe you can deduct 50% of the return shipping cost if the item is not in the same condition as shipped. When all is said and done and the buyer gets their money and you get your item or whichever scenario you choose you can report the buyer for...
This is also true in cases where the reason for returning the item is not covered by eBay’s guarantee, in which case, the seller may refund you for the full price of the item, but will charge you with the return shipping cost and deduct a restocking fee if the item is still in a...
产品—eBay发布产品报错:Shipping cost cannot be calculated since the item location is different from the site 解决方案:①核实物品所在地、所在国家/地区,是否为中国的地址 ②如果是的话,不要勾选运输计算,正常设置国内、国际运输的物流方式、运费即可
ShippingServiceCost: 运输服务费用。 ShipToLocations: 可发货地点。 ExpeditedShipping: 是否提供加急运输。 PictureURL: 商品的图片URL。 ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch: 商品的自然搜索URL。 Description: 商品的描述。 Seller: 卖家信息。 UserID: 卖家ID。