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Ps4 pro great price, great product When compared to refurbished, used or even brand new Pro consoles this one beats everything that I searched for. For under 300 I got this device right on time brand new in the box. As of this moment it's working great and I hope it will last me...
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真香主机谁都爱Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB 游戏机《星球大战绝地:陨落的武士团》同捆版 Xbox One X是微软2017年推出的游戏主机,主打4K HDR画质(4K下主流大作仍能达到60帧)在推出时是当之无愧的最强性能主机,机能高于PS4 PRO。搭载AMD定制版8核2.3GHz处理器,1TB 2.5英寸硬盘,拥有12GB GDRR5显存和高达6T浮点运算...
Xbox One X是微软2017年推出的游戏主机,主打4K HDR画质(4K下主流大作仍能达到60帧)在推出时是当之无愧的最强性能主机,机能高于PS4 PRO。搭载AMD定制版8核2.3GHz处理器,1TB 2.5英寸硬盘,拥有12GB GDRR5显存和高达6T浮点运算能力、326GB/s显存带宽的显卡,专为4K游戏打造,通吃所有1080P主流游戏,支持真4K超高清蓝...