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We would like to point out that on our website Google Analytics has been extended by the code "gat._anonymizeIp();" in order to guarantee an anonymised collection of IP addresses (so-called IP masking). This means that, before your IP address is transmitted to Google's servers in the ...
Learn more Create a great listing Here’s six ways to set yourself up for success. Write a standout title We’ll recommend search terms that buyers often use, so be sure to add these in the title. Avoid all caps and focus on specific details like brand, model, size, and color. ...
eBay Partner Network: In order to receive a commission for your sales, you must use the URL returned in the itemAffiliateWebUrl field to forward your buyer to the ebay.com site. Input Resource URI GET https://api.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item_summary/search? q=string& gtin=string& ...
This ensures that you’re using an official contact method, rather than a potentially dangerous phone number. Here’s where to find eBay’s official contact methods. Never give up passwords, PINs, 2FA codes, or sensitive information (such as your SSN) over the phone. Legitimate reps will ...
Sort by - you can sort search results in your eBay feeds to show the most relevant products on the top."Order" button CSS - here you can edit CSS to change the look & feel of item's order button to match your website's design. Alternatively, you can remove this CSS completely and...
What this is really asking is "In what ways would eBay voluntarily give up DMCA's the safe harbor protection in order to make things easier for me?" The simple answer is that eBay has absolutely no incentive to shoulder your liability you for intellectual property violations. Mess...
By placing an order you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, you will not be able to buy any products from us. 1. General 1.1. These Conditions shall supersede all previous ones. ...
Etsy provides search engine optimization (SEO) tools for boosting product listings. Shipping management tools that simplify order fulfillment. A built-in community and search engine for niche products. Etsy is best suited for . . . Artisans, crafters, and small business owners selling handmade or ...