Combined eBay Shipping for Multiple Items For sellers dealing with multiple orders from a single buyer, combined shipping is an ideal solution. How to Combine Postage and Shipping on eBay: You will first need to opt in to offering combined postage, which can then unlock postage discounts for ...
示例3: 根据多个物品的组合重量来自动计算总运费 (Use combined weight of multiple items purchased to determine total shipping cost) Promotional Shipping(促销运费,允许卖家对多个不同物品制定总体的运费促销方案): 示例1: 购买物品的总价累计达到$XXX时,运费全免!(Spend $XXX and shipping is free!) 示例2: ...
how do I combine shipping costs for multiple items sold to the same buyer? monica-sells Rockstar (34 ) View listings 09-12-2022 08:31 AM You could see if they are accessible in the bulk shipping tool where you can combine them if they are the same customer https:...
Offer combined shipping. For buyers purchasing multiple items, combined shipping can be more affordable. It’s also an attractive option for your customers. Factor shipping into pricing. If you’re offering free shipping, consider the shipping cost in your item’s price to maintain profitability. ...
Combined shipping is where buyers who are purchasing multiple items from the same seller ask the seller to combine their order into one shipment, both saving money on multiple shipping options as well as making it easier to track one single order. ...
如果买家向您购买多件物品,并且他们尚未获得运费折扣,则买家可以在购物车中选择向卖家询问总额。然后,如果您的账户启用了合并账单,则您可以发送含有新的合并运费的账单。进行检查的具体操作: 在管理运送设置- 在新窗口或选项卡中打开页面,选择“允许合并付款和运送”旁边的编辑。
Are you using Flat Rate or Calculated shipping? If all from the same listing, did you go back and check you had both shipping cost fields filled in for first and additional items? If from different listings and you have enabled Combined Payments, did you check that the Combined Shipping Rul...
eBay > Account > Site Preferences > Shipping Preferences > Show > Offer combined payments and shipping。在‘Combined payments’选项下选择‘Create’或者‘Edit’ b)请确保‘Allow buyers to send one combined payment for all items purchased’选项被选中。
You can offer shipping discounts to buyers who buy more than one item from you, but you first need to opt in to offering combined shipping. You can then set up rules that automatically apply to the shipping cost when someone buys multiple items. Depending on whether you offer a flat shippi...
Then we display a combined shipping cost (including domestic and international shipping costs) to the buyer – it is visible to you if you open your item page and choose the buyer destination country in the “Shipping, returns and payments” tab. You can check the eBay International Shipping ...