2 Make offer这种一般与Buy it now的同时出现,即我们口中的砍价:买家出一个期望价,由卖家决定卖不卖。买家可以有三次机会与卖家砍价;如果三次机会用完,就不能再进行砍价了。所以珍惜好每一次砍价机会。如果砍价后马上被拒绝,一般是由于卖家设置了砍价的下限,你的价格低于下限,被系统自动拒绝了。3 Bid这种...
GetSellerTransactions:As a seller, you can use this call to retrieve all of your order line items PlaceOffer:make a bid, a best offer, or a purchase on the item specified by the ItemID input field Message相关 DeleteMyMessages:为用户删除选择的messages GetMemberMessages:获取买家对你的active i...
出价抢标 等待拍卖即将结束的最后几秒钟提交最高出价,这被称为“出价抢标”。这一策略的目的是防止其他出价者有机会在拍卖结束前提出更高的出价。 eBay 允许会员出价抢标(包括使用软件代为出价),但不保证这会让您在拍卖中胜出。其他会员可能也在使用相同的策略,可能设置了自动出价,也有可能只是反应迅速,赶在拍卖...
ebayAPI属性 ebayAPI属性 Ebay Trading API整理 纠纷相关 :创建⼀个未⽀付纠纷或取消 a single line item order :回复/关闭dispute :获取Dispute :获取⽤户作为买家或卖家的Dispute 商品相关 :添加⼀个item :从Selling Manager templates创建 listing :上传1到5个item :添加⼀个或多个item到 My ...
Although this is not one of those big Auction Houses...Auction Houses always get financial information before a bidder can make a bid because they want to make sure the bidder will actually have the money to pay for the item and not waste their time. eBay was getting too many bidders who...
等待拍卖即将结束的最后几秒钟提交最高出价,这被称为“出价抢标”。这一策略的目的是防止其他出价者有机会在拍卖结束前提出更高的出价。 eBay 允许会员出价抢标(包括使用软件代为出价),但不保证这会让您在拍卖中胜出。其他会员可能也在使用相同的策略,可能设置了自动出价,也有可能只是反应迅速,赶在拍卖结束前提出...
the seller doesn't have to partwith the item. In addition to auctions, you can find tons of fixed-price items on eBay that make shopping there just like shopping at any other online marketplace. You see what you like, you buy it, you pay for it and you wait for it to arrive at ...
Why not just tell him to make a bid or bids, just like everyone else has done? Message 3 of 4 latest reply 2 Helpful Reply auction listing/make offer nobody*s_perfect Superstar (144 ) View listings 08-05-2022 05:10 AM As noted in the other posts, its not possible ...
A bidder is a user who makes a bid on an item in an auction listing. Competing with other bidders in a series of progressively higher bids, a bidder vies to be the highest bidder when the listing ends. A bidder who is the high bidder (and also meets the Reserve Price, if set) when...
eBay有三种主要的标价方式,第一是竞拍(Bid),即在限定的时间内,价高者得。关于竞拍,可参考我站magicdog佳作《ebay bid(竞拍品)拍买攻略》。 第二种是卖家允许砍价(Make offer),eBay的系统很完善,小试一下便知。我在曾经eBay上曾经看到过有卖家出一个几近完美的Pentax-M 20mm/f4镜头,他出价350美元,最后被人...