In this case the seller immediately refunded me, so no case was necessary. I filled out all the paperwork for USPS to try to find the item, but it never turned up. Message 5 of 11 latest reply 1 Helpful Reply USPS delivered label but not package albertabrightalberta Superstar (101...
Your item says delivered but not there? Read this kensgiftshop Superstar (388 ) View listings 03-03-2023 09:44 AM @bgirlzinc wrote: What they can tell you is that # doesn't go to your address. That is the information you need from USPS. Get a letter from them stating ...
i have not received this item as described by the tracking number. Item lost, stolen or not delivered as described. Please investigate since this is an important gift. 包裹被偷 Hi. I recently ordered 2 items from your store. UpS showed the package delivered but I checked the package and ha...
If your item is a tangible product, you can use E-junkie to provide an accompanying file, such as a product manual, firmware file/utility, device driver, etc. Bear in mindcurrent eBay policy on selling digitally delivered goods—e.g.: ...
I see that the tracking information says the shipment has been delivered. but it looks like it was miss delivered. that is not our fault. Some of our customer got the same trouble and they can find the package by contact the local post office or their neighbour 7.国际包裹 No tracking ...
My item expected delivery on Jan 22,2020. I got the notification threw my email on Jan 07,2020 my package been delivered. I checked /tracked it's indicate the package been delivered but I never received the package. My package should be tracked and signature on delivery but no one ...
Iseethatthetrackinginformationsaystheshipmenthasbeendelivered.butitlookslikeitwasmissdelivered.thatisnotourfault.Someofourcustomergotthesametroubleandtheycanfindthepackagebycontactthelocalpostofficeortheirneighbour 7.国际包裹 Notrackinginfoforfirstclassorprioritymail.AcustomsdeclarationnumberLNXXXXUSwillbedisplayedin...
If an item is lost or damaged at the shipping center or during international shipping, and a buyer asks for a refund, there should be no cost to the seller or negative effect on their performance metrics. But how can you tell when the loss or damage occurred?
The buyer wants to return the item If Amazon’s price increases and your eBay listing is not updated accordingly, you could get an order that would lose you money. You can cancel the order, but that is considered a “transaction defect” by eBay. Too many defects can cause your seller ...
If an item is shipped with same day or 1 business day handling with the tracking uploaded within 1 business day of receiving payment and the item is delivered to the shipping center within 4 business days (, the seller will receive a 5-star detailed seller rating for shipping time...