When a buyer opens an item not received case and then afterwards close the case saying that the seller didn't do anything wrong . Does it still effect the profile of the seller and does the INR case ratio and percentage remains the same or after the closing of the case , the harm ...
1. INR (item not received): 直接退款,除非有proof of delivery Ebay的政策是偏向买家,不像淘宝。...
I seem to be encountering a bug with an item not received case and I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same thing? A buyer opened an INR case against me for a package that's been confirmed delivered to the address they provided, but when I tr...
INR CASE(item not received)未收到产品的纠纷 开启条件:1.超过edd时间,买家未收到 2.显示已妥投,但买家未收到开启时间: 有时候买家开启INR CASE之后,卖家第一时间需要与买家去沟通承运商和物流单号的信息,充分沟通会让买家有舒适且被尊重的购物体验
The buyer has paid for an item, but the item has not been received within the expected delivery window. In the case of an item that has not been received by the buyer within the expected delivery window, the buyer has the option of opening up an Item Not Received (INR) Inquiry. If ...
7、ve last 30 days)1 request or case is still open2 requests or cases have been closedNo return requests are open.1 request or case awaits other members responses1 closed- you received Final Value Fee credits时间TMrrPrchlrrAmountOpen requests/casesMini 5. 8G 150CH Mini.This item doesn in...
1、如果满足以下条件,eBay将自动移除在没有卖方解决方案的情况下关闭的 “item not received(INR)” 缺陷订单,以及由此导致的买家负面或中性反馈: ▶在INR case关闭之后,物流信息显示包裹已完成配送扫描; ▶卖家已经在eBay系统上传物流跟踪信息,并且在买家发起INR case之前经过物流商扫描。
Should an Item Not Received case be closed and a refund issued to your buyer, you will not be responsible for that refund as long as eBay has tracking confirming delivery to the authentication center which can be found in the View Order Details. ...
Exclusions and special coveragewhen the item received by the buyer doesn't match the listing Sellers are required to deliver the item as it was described in the listing. If the buyer receives the wrong item, or the item arrives broken, damaged, or faulty (and was not clearly described as ...