At eBay, we create pathways to connect millions of sellers and buyers in more than 190 markets around the world. Our technology empowers our customers, providing everyone the opportunity to grow and thrive — no matter who they are or where they are in the world. And the ripple effect of...
We seek diverse perspectives, foster an inclusive work environment and train our leaders to help each employee succeed at eBay based on their unique talents, contributions and ambitions. Overview Issues Material to eBay In 2022, we partnered with GlobeScan, an independent research and advisory firm...
... 德文能源公司 DEVON ENERGY CORP 电子湾拍卖网站 EBAY INC 毅康股份有限 EC…|基于29个网页 2. 拍卖龙头电子海湾 ...住优良卖家,改进顾客服务并挽救衰退中的成长率,网路拍卖龙头电子海湾(eBay Inc)今天将调整上架费并提高销售标准。|基于14个网页 3. 易趣 艾福瑞...
所属公司:Ebay Inc. 当前融资轮次:IPO上市 成立日期:1995-09-04 所属地:美国 简介:eBay(EBAY,中文电子湾、亿贝、易贝)是一个管理可让全球民众上网买卖物品的线上拍卖及购物网站。ebay于1995年9月4日由Pierre Omidyar以Auctionweb的名称创立于加利福尼亚州圣荷西。人们可以在ebay上通过网络出售商品。
eBay拟裁员约1000人 约占员工总数的9% eBay Inc.将裁减约1000个工作岗位,占其全职员工的9%,并减少外部承包商的工作。该公司表示,其员工和开支的增长速度超过了增长速度。这家电子商务公司表示,面对“充满挑战”的经济环境,它需要“更加灵活”。这家总部位于加州圣何塞的公司周二在一份声明中表示:“虽然我们...
被上诉人(一审被告):eBay Inc. 法院:美国阿拉巴马州北部地区法院 判决结果:eBay不构成专利侵权 eBay作为一个电商平台,平均每天有10亿件商品在其网站上挂牌出售。eBay不实际占有列出的待售物品,第三方卖家进行商品销售并将商品运送给买家。卖家在eBay上列出一件物品,会提供该物品的价格和描述,eBay并不提供销售物品的信...
USA: eBay Inc., 2025 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125, USA Canada: eBay Canada Limited, 240 Richmond Street West, 2nd Floor Suite 02-100 Toronto, Ontario, M5V 1V6, Canada EU: eBay GmbH, Albert-Einstein-Ring 2-6, 14532 Kleinmachnow, Germany United Kingdom: eBay (UK) Limited, 1 ...
eBay Inc. Được thiết kế cho iPad #95 trong 购物 4,8 • 24,6 N đánh giá Miễn phí Ảnh Chụp Màn Hình iPad iPhone iMessage Miêu tả Life's easier in the eBay app—buy, sell & browse millions of items on the go. Discover exclusive deals, every ...
Statistics on " eBay Inc. " Overview Financials Buyers and sellers Online traffic Workforce The most important statistics eBay Inc. revenue 2013-2023 eBay: quarterly net revenue 2014-2024 eBay: annual net revenue 2013-2023, by region eBay: annual net income 2004-2023 eBay: gross merchandise ...
eBay Inc和eBay International AG (“eBay”),京东全球购和转运商是独立签约方,并且互相之间就提供给您的运输服务达成协议。eBay并不提供任何运输服务,也不对转运商提供的运输服务负责。转运商不归eBay所有,也不与eBay存在任何关联关系。 2.5.8 无代理关系。您和eBay、京东全球购(或者您和转运商之间,除运输条款另...