留下信用评价是对您和 eBay 上的卖家进行交易的体验进行评价的有效方法。您的信用评价非常重要,因为它可以帮助其他买家决定是否购买该卖家的物品。 您是卖家,希望给买家留下信用评价?请阅读我们的文章给买家留下信用评价 每当您在 eBay 上购买物品时,您都可以对您的体验留下好评、中评或差评。您还可以针对您的体验...
According to eBay rules, BOTH selling and buying parts have rights to leave feedback and comments to each other within 60 days. Now we have already left positive feedback for you, while we are still looking forward to your voice. It only has several days left to the deadline. Since your...
" The answer is "feedback." Buyers leave feedback for sellers and sellers leave feedback for buyers whenever they complete a transaction. can be positive, neutral or negative, and your feedback score is listed beside your username whenever you're involved in an eBay transaction. If you buy ...
According to eBay rules, BOTH selling and buying parts have rights to leave feedback and comments to each other within 60 days. Now we have already left positive feedback for you, while we are still looking forward to your voice. It only has several days left to the deadline. Since your...
No one's feedback is showing. Not buyers, not sellers. Only the seller metrics. With so many people using the app, telling people to look on their desktop before buying or deciding whether to accept an offer, etc. isn't really a solution. I hope I am...
Buyers leave feedback for sellers and sellers leave feedback for buyers whenever they complete a transaction. can be positive, neutral or negative, and your feedback score is listed beside your username whenever you're involved in an eBay transaction. If you buy an item and never receive it,...
aHow satisfied were you with the seller's communication? 怎样满意了您以卖主的通信? [translate] aWe are unable to add your feedback for 1 transaction 我们无法增加您的反馈为1种交易 [translate] aYou must be a member of eBay for more than five (5) days to leave Feedback for any user. ...
Yours Sincerely,Seller Name or ID 二、针对买家收到物品后3-5天没有留下评价Email Title: Give Feedback Reminder Email Text: Dear zThank you very much for purchasing from us. As you have received the item and hope you are favor of using the item, we sincerely invite you to leave us some...
I had a customer want to cancel an order yesterday (which seems to happen more often lately) and today I received good feedback from him. How can someone leave feedback on a purchase that was never made? I have never seen this before, must be another useless improvement from eBay?
卖家等级的划分,基本上所有国际地区,优秀卖家不良交易率需低于2%,未解决纠纷率低于0.3,在eBay规定时间上传有效快递单号率大于90%。只有符合不良交易率低于5%,未解决纠纷低于0.3%,才能正常在eBay开店。 雨果跨境 · 2020-09-22 信用评价(Feedback)功能全面提升,高效沟通,有效避免差评,提升销售转化! eBay正在改进买家...