您可以在“My eBay”和“Seller Hub”中找到已售出物品的历史记录。 您可以在卖家专区或“My eBay”中找到过去 2 年内已售出的物品。 从卖家专区- 在新窗口或标签中打开查看您的订单选项卡。您可以按买家、订单状态(例如等待付款)和时间范围进行搜索 从“My eBay”中选择已售出- 在新窗口或标签中打开。 查看...
Plus, if you’ve been making bids or saving items to your wishlist then you’ll also be able to find these items (and their numbers) in the My eBay drop down menu as well. For merchants Sellers can find their item numbers on their current listings or for their sold items by going to...
Under each eBay listing, you will see the price it sold for in green (the price of unsold items will appear gray). If it was an auction-styled listing, you could see how many bids were placed beneath the final price. If the information is available, you will also find the date and ...
2. Find profitable productsNext, undertake product research to discover which items will sell best on eBay. Head to eBay’s bestsellers page and investigate whether you can source similar products for lower than the recommended retail price (RRP) on dropshipping sites like Alibaba or AliExpress....
在全球网络交易平台 eBay 享受买卖乐趣,从电子产品、汽车、时尚服饰、收藏品、体育用品、数码相机、婴儿用品到优惠券,应有尽有
I need to find a sold item by name and get its price, I use the query https://svcs.ebay.com/services/search/FindingService/v1?OPERATION-NAME=findCompletedItems&SERVICE-VE... entriesPerPage=1 and no matter how I change the query parameters I always get an error - [{“error”:[{“e...
I have reported a Chinese seller that sells ALL counterfit items. The items are clearly copyright infringement, and being sold as legitimate with no
Apply Standard VAT Rate: Charge 20% VAT on most goods sold within the UK. Verify eBay's VAT Collection: Determine if eBay has collected VAT on your behalf; if not, ensure you include it in your pricing. Track Zero-Rated Items: Identify and document items eligible for zero VAT, such as...
Items sold by Sotheby’s Don’t get scammed. Do this instead: Look for warning signs of a scam — such as not receiving a tracking link, or getting tracking information that doesn’t work. Try to avoid buying items in categories that aren’t covered by eBay’s money back guarantee. ...
How much time have you spent seeking new sources for items to sell? Sadly most eBay sellers - actually most people in general - spend very little time adding to their skills. We tend to learn enough to get by, and then settle into a routine. ...