ebay慈善机构Les吉他定制签名生日拍卖英国伦敦,2008年6月27日,在南非前总统纳尔逊·曼德拉90岁生日庆祝会上,许多音乐人都出席了活动,并由Martin Sims定制的一把Gibson Les Paul studio吉他上签名留念.这把独一无二的吉他将在ebay上进行拍卖,以此为纳尔逊·曼德拉46664慈善机构筹集额外的善款.VIP乐器...
Epiphone has always made a good guitar, even before they became part of the Gibson family. The Epiphone SG and Les Paul models are top notch guitars, and are a great value for the price. So if you're looking for a good starter electric guitar, I recommend Epiphone all the way.krimzo...
物品状况: 任何物品状况 运费: 复古1959 Gibson Les Paul Junior 带盒 - 樱桃色 78,378.31元 二手Strymon Blue Sky V1 混响踏板 100723 1,533.89元 二手Carvin DC127T 电吉他 带盒 - Trans Green 092923 7,669.76元 二手Keith Urban Player 原声电吉他 092323 657.34元 二手Taylor 314ce 原声电吉他 带盒 ...
I use a Heritage LP copy w/PearlyGates pups;Gibson LPjr;Fernandes LP; Fernandes Strat;Squier Strat; Fernandes Tele; Fender m-8o combo amp; Marshall combo amp; and numerous stompboxes. Reliability : 10 Had it less than two months with no problem. Customer Support : No Opinion Never used...