6月20日:卖家回复说要退款的话需收取20%的入库费,而且这是我发货之前就已经同意的。但在卖家商品页面上,写明了Free shipping and returns。而且本来就是卖家自己召回的包裹,也未就此做任何解释或通知,何来退货一说? 根据eBay的规则,在6月25日前无法要求eBay介入。虽然卖家antonline是骗子的本质已经暴露无遗,可能...
Free 30 day returns means you do not pay for the return shipping. That setting does not say 30 day free Returns and Full refund, there is a difference and depending on the situation Buyers either are or are not entitled to a full refund. If you would be willing to share more details ...
1.设定 Return options 退货选项。 点击“Domestic returns accepted”左侧的复选框,接受本地退货,下方可以进行具体的退货设置,如退货时间设置为最短30天,退货运费可设置为买家承担,也可设置为卖家承担,即 free return,用同样方法设置“International returns accepted”。 2.设定 Domestic shipping 货运细节。 “Domesti...
点击【Domestic returns accepted】左侧的复选框,接受本地退货,下方可以设置具体的退货设置:退货时间设置为最短30天,同时需要设置退货运费由谁承担(Return shipping will be paid by:),可设置为买家承担,也可设置为卖家承担,即free return。 同样方法,可以设置【International returns accepted】。 B. Domestic shipping...
eBay Plus is a premium account option for buyers which provides benefits such as fast free domestic shipping and free returns on selected items. Important!eBay Plus applies only to domestic shipping in Germany and Australia. Buyers in Germany and Australia can enroll in eBay Plus on their My eB...
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Shipping made simple Quantity Weight kg Length cm Width cm Height cm Submit QUOTE ME Add another parcel kg/cmlb/in eBay Courier Services and Parcel Returns Cost of delivery services to UK Parcel Weight ParcelHero Royalmail.com Your Savings ...
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Buy & sell electronics, cars, clothes, collectibles & more on eBay, the world's online marketplace. Top brands, low prices & free shipping on many items.
点击【Domestic returns accepted】左侧的复选框,接受本地退货,下方可以设置具体的退货设置:退货时间设置为最短30天,同时需要设置退货运费由谁承担(Return shipping will be paid by:),可设置为买家承担,也可设置为卖家承担,即free return。 同样方法,可以设置【International returns accepted】。 2. Domestic shipping...