自启动Mercury项目以来,EBay一直非常依赖与The Green Grid的合作关系来协助其最新数据中心的战略和开发。此后,绿色网格(Green Grid)发布了一个案例研究,概述了该设施中使用的创新和方法,希望与业界分享所学的资源。 您可能仍然想知道为什么选择Phoenix作为该项目的所在地,而不是寒冷而寒冷的地方。好吧,水星计划是出于必...
That’s the case in Phoenix, Arizona where the company has launched one of the world’s most efficient data centers. Among other achievements, this extremely dense data center uses dry desert air year round to cool thousands of servers—and to help drive down the cost of doing business on ...
on Data Center E fciency published by The Green Grid detailed the ways in which eBay has achieved partial PUE measurements as low as 1.018 in its Project Mercury data center in Phoenix, AZ. The paper showed how eBay tuned the in rastructure so that ...