数字酋长(Datacaciques) 一站式跨境电商ERP系统,支持Listing极速刊登、ERP快速打单发货、 ERP订单客服系统、eBay数据分析、智能关联促销、速卖通ERP关联、eBay刊登等功能,Facebook开店、Facebook刊登、Facebook订单等功能,支持亚马逊、速卖通、ebay、Facebook等平台,是
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Position is located in eBay China Center of Excellence (CCOE) in Shanghai in the Engineering team of the Big Data organization, working on Advertising BI/DW solution. The main focus of this position is to design, implement and operate a fully managed, reliable and scalable data solution for ...
eBay Data Analysis Intern 数据分析岗实习生 eBay是全球最大的国际贸易电子商务平台之一,在中国业务主要服务于中国卖家,帮助“Made in China”的商品销往全球;TSAM(Top Seller Account Management Team)主要为平台的中国大卖家提供服务,包括政策指导、品类建议及销售情况分析。 工作内容: 1、从eBay数据库提取有效数据,...
BOSS直聘为您提供2025年eBay最新招聘信息,40个岗位正在直招牛人,eBay招聘岗位类别有:AI Platform 高级开发工程师、资深产品经理- 数据平台/计算引擎、高级软件研发工程师 - 支付、资深技术专家/高级技术专家,云计算网络、技术专家- Data Platform,进入网站与eBay的Boss
1.Instant Data Scraper插件:一个特别强大的网页数据爬虫插件,可爬取产品review、QA、Best Seller等信息(免费);2.WordCounter:词频统计工具,可对爬取的数据进行分析;wordcounter.net/3.Sorftime Save插件:用来分析类目Best Seller的销量、评分、上架时间等情况,一般用于选品(付费);4.Google Trends:通过关键词查看产品...
Structured Data - Product Identifiers eBay uses an item's brand, manufacturer part number (MPN), and global trade item number (GTIN)—such as a Universal Product Codes (UPCs) and International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs)—to help buyers quickly find the items they're looking for. For ...
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In our User Privacy Notice we have compiled all essential information about our handling of your personal data and your corresponding rights. This User Privacy Notice is effective from March 24, 2023. View the previous User Privacy Notice.
数字酋长(Datacaciques) 一站式跨境电商ERP系统,支持Listing极速刊登、ERP快速打单发货、 ERP订单客服系统、eBay数据分析、智能关联促销、速卖通ERP关联、eBay刊登等功能,Facebook开店、Facebook刊登、Facebook订单等功能,支持亚马逊、速卖通、ebay、Facebook等平台,是