When setting up a listing, you have no idea what your buyer's zip code will be, so a single shipping price will never be accurate. All that said, eBay did change the shipping calculator yesterday so maybe that's what you're referring to? GLORIOUS!Find holiday shipping deadlines here. ...
可在“Services”下拉菜单中设置具体的物流服务,在“Cost”下拉菜单中填写物品的运费。在“Exclude shipping locations”中设置不能运达的国家/地区。 4.设定 Item location 物品所在地。 点击“Change”,可以进入编辑物品所在地的页面。可在“Country“下拉菜单中输入物品所在国家,在“City,State”下拉菜单中输入物品所...
D. Exclude shipping locations 可在【Exclude shipping locations】中设置不能运达的国家/地区,可点击【Create exclusion list】来创建不能运达的国家/地区列表 E. Item location物品所在地 点击Change,可以进入到编辑物品所在地的页面。可在【Country】下方的复选框中输入物品所在国家,在【City, State】下方的文本框...
步骤为:选择【Auction】,点击【Add or remove options 】,在新弹出来的对话框中勾选【Reserve price】,点击【Save】保存,再到Choose a format and price模块点击No reserve price set for this item 旁的【Change】,在【$】后输入低价,点击【Save】即可。 4. 设定物品可售数量 卖家需谨慎设定物品的可售数量,...
可在【Exclude shipping locations】中设置不能运达的国家/地区,可点击【Create exclusion list】来创建不能运达的国家/地区列表 Item location物品所在地 点击Change,可以进入到编辑物品所在地的页面。可在【Country】下方的复选框中输入物品所在国家,在【City, State】下方的文本框中输入物品所在城市和省份。
If you’d like to sell items not eligible for eBay International Shipping, you can use other international shipping services. Here’s how: 1. Navigate to the listing you wish to change and select “Revise listing” 2. Scroll down to the Shipping section 3. In the International shipping sect...
1)点击change category 2)在弹出的选项中,可以在Suggested categories(推荐分类)中选择相应的分类,若没有合适的分类,可以在Recently used categories(最近使用的分类) / Search categories(搜索分类) / Browse categories(浏览分类)中选择。 选择分类注意事项: ...
Shipping changes to shipping labels Options changes to shipping labels Go to Best Answer fanspot Adventurer (9943 ) View listings 05-09-2024 09:07 AM If I put the wrong weight on a label, do I have to void that label and start over or can I make a change to an existing lab...
可在【Exclude shipping locations】中设置不能运达的国家/地区,可点击【Create exclusion list】来创建不能运达的国家/地区列表 E. Item location物品所在地 点击Change,可以进入到编辑物品所在地的页面。可在【Country】下方的复选框中输入物品所在国家,在【City, State】下方的文本框中输入物品所在城市和省份。 Tips...
Trading API with DetailName set to DispatchTimeMaxDetails, then inspect the DispatchTimeMaxDetails container in the response for the time values supported by the site (typical handling times are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, and 20, but these can vary by site and may change over ...