Void/Cancel and Refund USPS Label printed via QR Code? wastingtime101 Superstar (0 ) View listings In response to mtgraves7984 04-07-2024 03:43 PM @mtgraves7984 wrote: I've never had any trouble voiding a label through the drop-down menu... but I've also never receiv...
We purchased a few USPS shipping labels through eBay 20 minutes ago but all of a sudden we can't. We've tried two different orders, from two different PCs, on two different browsers. (So it is not a cache, browser, or machine issue.) When we click on P...
Adding tracking numbers to every marketplace manually can become tedious and labor intensive. As the orders come through they are automatically entered into our order system for processing. When you create a shipping label or add a tracking number to the order it's automatically sent to the mark...
紫鸟获悉:2022 年 9 月和 10 月 eBay UPS 和 USPS 运费变化自2022 年 10 月 2 日起,UPS 将在 eBay Label 平台上将部分费率提高 1% 至 3%。此次调整将主要影响较重的地面套餐和部分航空套餐。eBay Labels 已经为 USPS 标签提供了最优惠的价格,并且从 2022 年 9 月 26 日开始,它会变得更好。使用 eBay...
It's eBay's promotion not the sellers but they wanted me to cancel my orders with the sellers permission, wait for my refund, and reorder. What a joke. A $9 total discount could just have been credited to my account or the 2 orders I had just made could have still been adjusted. ...
When will USPS shipping label cost be deducted from pending balance in managed payments? I was wondering if anyone knew when they were going to add the feature of the USPS shipping label cost being deducted from the pending balance in managed payments. 09-04-2019 10:13 AM Posted in Mark...
Prices on Amazon fluctuate continuously, and if an arbitrageur does not track them, they may sell products on eBay at a loss. When that happens, the options are either to take a hit and place the order anyway, or cancel the order and damage their eBay performance metrics. Not a great ...
3、产品退款的须到ebay后台Cancel订单。 2.包裹丢失、较长时间未收到包裹 产品发出后,客户长时间未收到包裹而来信时,客服人员应及时根据Tracking Number到USPS/UPS网站上查明产品状况,一般会有两种情况: A、显示产品已经到货,但客户反映没收到包裹。此时先告知客户产品在网站显示已到货,让客户问家人与邻居是否有人帮...
Than kyou.SincerelyBob换货需补 /退差价的,按实际差价情况给予说明3、产品退款的须到ebay后台Cancel订单。2. 包裹丢失、较长时间未收到包裹 产品发出后,客户长 27、时间未收到包裹而来信时,客服人员应及时根据 Tracking Number 到USPS/UP网站上查明产品状况,一般会有两种情况:A、显示产品已经到货,但客户反映没收...
When sending an item via the Global Shipping Program, sellers should add tracking as normal. The order reference number should be clearly noted on the label for identification when the item arrives at the domestic shipping center. When the tracking number is uploaded, it willautomatically be conve...