I won't be buying anything from ebay sellers who use the USPS and many other I know until the USPS gets their act together. Social media is full of the horror stories with the USPS now. 02-26-2025 11:35 PM Posted in Selling latest reply by meme6253 on 02-28-2025 06:25 AM ...
eBay is a global phenomenon-the world's largest garage sale, online shopping center, car dealer and auction site with 147 million registered users in 30 countries as of March 2005. You can find everything from encyclopedias to olives to snow boots to stereos to airplanes for sale. And if y...
You can then try and settle your dispute through SquareTrade’s free Web-based process and patent-pending technology. A significant number of complaints are directly resolved in this way. Because we believe this service helps make eBay a better place to trade, you can request the assistance of...
Once you register (for free) with eBay, you can access all of your eBay buying and selling activities in asingle location called "My eBay." eBay Infrastructure A series of service disruptions in 1999 caused real problems for eBay's business. Over the course of threedays, overloaded servers ...
When you sell an item on eBay,you pay listing fees and turn over a percentage of the final sale price to eBay. Once you register (for free) with eBay, you can access all of your eBay buying and selling activities in asingle location called "My eBay." eBay Infrastructure A series of ...
If there is competition i would guarantee eBay's selling fees would go down. No one complains and nothing gets done. That how eBay makes their money from the sellers, if all the sellers complained like i do, maybe something would be done about it, thats not going to happen. The sqe...
Once you register (for free) with eBay, you can access all of your eBay buying and selling activities in asingle location called "My eBay." eBay Infrastructure A series of service disruptions in 1999 caused real problems for eBay's business. Over the course of threedays, overloaded servers ...
Spring cleaning? Sell pre-loved pieces and give them a new home. Or invest in statement pieces this season and refresh your living space with bright spring home decor. SELLING MADE SIMPLE Make money by selling former faves. Your shop’s always at your fingertips with the eBay app—list item...
依次选择Account→Account restriction and selling limits→Buying and selling activities are restricted. 在拨通后会先要求你输入一次性密码(one-time passcode),如果联通客服后,客服并不知道你是那个账号持有者,会要求你报一下你的账号用户名或者其他信息,然后可以咨询她关于账号被暂停以及订单问题。 发布于 2023-04...
Once you register (for free) with eBay, you can access all of your eBay buying and selling activities in asingle location called "My eBay." eBay Infrastructure A series of service disruptions in 1999 caused real problems for eBay's business. ...