当您在 eBay 上看到在售物品时,物品刊登中将包含您可以使用的支付方式。如果您在为物品付款时遇到任何问题,我们可以帮助您解答疑难。 当您准备付款时,只需直接前去结账即可。您可以选择支付方式并查看您的订单详情,包括收货地址,然后再进行付款。 付款方式 ...
2. 建议使用paypal/PayPal Preferences:如果您选用此功能,买家将会在物品页上得知您建议使用PayPal。 3. 买家编辑付款总额/Buyer Edit Option: 您可以决定是否让买家在结帐时,自行编辑付款总额。如果买家希望为速递或其他服务支付额外的费用,这个选项就特别有用。 4. 收款地址/Payment Address:只有在买家以支票或其他需...
物品付款方式设置模块,可在【Payment options】中选择更适合您物品的付款政策。例如,您可以勾选使用Paypal付款,并且输入您paypal收款的eMail。同时,您也可以选择“Require immediate payment with Buy It Now”选项 ,来加速买家完成付款。 如有额外的付款说明,可在【Additional payment instructions (shows in your listin...
Yes, it would be nice if eBay put up some sort of Icon...LOL..."Shop here, limited payment options and no combined shipping...New smoother checkout for your convenience". I suppose eBay didn't figure on so many buyers balking at this "New improved enhanced buyer experience" that wa...
买家将拥有更多的支付方式(Payment options),包括信用卡,扣帐卡,Apple Pay,Google Pay和PayPal。2,便利性在卖家专区提供卖家一切所需:合并的费用明细,自定综合报告,退款退货及简化的卖家保障服务。若卖家使用第三方工具,这些工具的使用方式将保持不变。3,简单易操作发款(Payouts)将直接存入卖家的Payoneer账户。卖家将...
3.接下来,在“Payment options支付选项”中选择“PayPal贝宝”,然后输入PayPal贝宝账户的电子邮件地址。 4.此外,点击“Require immediate payment when buyer uses Buy It Now在买家使用现在购买时,要求立即支付”复选框。这一选择将确保买家付清货款后,eBay卖家再发货。
第四步:Payment Options设置付费信息,正确的paypal登记邮箱;勾选require immediate payment with Buy it now时,买家使用buy it now一口价成交时必须进行付款操作。买家拍下未付款的情况,卖家可以启用account-site perference-unpaid item assistant功能,系统将会自动提醒买家;填写收款补充说明,是给买家看的 ...
The world’s largest online marketplace, is now open to you. PayPal’s eBay payment options bring buyers and sellers together, reducing steps and costs. The only middleman is the postman.One pair of shoes is sold every 2 seconds on eBay. PayPal lets you pay the bill faster. 1 What...
navigate. Sample calculations would be helpful to compare the two sites. Still, with variable pricing structures and closing fees, which differ by item category, item weight, and buyer payment option, any particular examples could be construed as cherry-picking or biased towards one company or ...
4. 在“Electronic payment methods (fee varies)“中可设置收付款方式。勾选PayPal,然后输入PayPal邮件地址。勾选【Require immediate payment when buyer uses Buy It Now】支持买家立即支付; 5.可在【Additional payment instructions (shows in your listing)】中填写额外首付款说明。设置完毕后,点击【Save】保存,...