However, I also like the excitement of an auction and the possibility of getting more money for my items. What do you think? Do you prefer Buy It Now or Auction? Why? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! The shipping part I might need to talk to ebay about because I swore it ...
The value of a collector’s item fluctuates, so you’ll be better off auctioning another time, when the iron is hot. No need giving buyers the opportunity to shop around. No set value If you have products that aren’t moving as well as you’d like or they are particularly difficult t...
要善用搜索和排序:搜索的时候可以用“-关键字”减号来过滤掉不想要的东西,比如搜leica,会出来很多俄罗斯的东西,比如fed,zorki,不想看这些可以搜 leica -fed -zorki做过滤。搜索的过滤条件还有auction(拍卖)和buy it now(一口价),对于某些品类来说一口价里很多淘宝货,要细心甄别或者直接不看一口价。排序的话有...
要善用搜索和排序:搜索的时候可以用“-关键字”减号来过滤掉不想要的东西,比如搜leica,会出来很多俄罗斯的东西,比如fed,zorki,不想看这些可以搜 leica -fed -zorki做过滤。搜索的过滤条件还有auction(拍卖)和buy it now(一口价),对于某些品类来说一口价里很多淘宝货,要细心甄别或者直接不看一口价。排序的话有...
登陆eBay的主要站点,搜索打算 出售的物品,除去使用了“分类推荐”功能的物品,分别统计一下“拍卖/Auction”和“一口价/ Buy it now”物品在同一页搜索结果列表里显示的数量,连续比较4-5页,如果在搜索结果中一半以上的商品都是用拍卖方式刊登,那么说明竞价方式很受欢迎。反之亦然。最后,再结合物品的市场供求状况、...
1. 销售方面,采取Auction和Buy it now相结合的销售策略 深圳老魏 · 2015-09-14 eBay运营之关联销售很重要,那eBay如何设置关联销售的? eBay运营之关联销售设置步骤一览。 CSS平台 · 2019-06-14 印度:eBay为何玩不过本土电商? 早在2004年,eBay就已经进入了印度市场。然而,eBay虽然在美国、英国、德国等成熟...
Buy it now or bid in an auction for anything imaginable. New or used, mass-produced or one of a kind, we process your purchase with ease. Log in, check out and wait for the doorbell. Shop on eBay 1 Shop around the world, bid on an auction or Buy It Now. ...
Auction or Buy it Now The next step is to decide how to sell your item. Do you want to list it as an auction, or do you want to sell it for a fixed price (Buy it Now)? If you list your item as an auction, people can bid on it. The highest bidder wins the thing. With a...
第一步:设置出价方式 1.拍卖 Auction-style , 拍卖在下线前会有较高的曝光,卖家一般可以通过曝光进行引流产生关联销售以增加销量 2.一口价 3.拍卖+一口价 第二步:设置拍卖时间, 1days,3days, 5days, 7days,10days(1天和3天额外收取$1)Schedule to start on可设置自动上线时间$0.1,设置自动上线时间可以让...
auction即竞拍,商品为固定时间竞拍,一般是3-7天,在到期前以最高出价者得,无延迟时间。此处有严格的竞价逻辑,以后再开篇细聊 but it now即直接购买,所列商品可以直接下单。 a3,condition分类: new全新,未开封未使用产品,部分卖家会将open box列为new上架 ...