价格: US $39.91 约292.02元 + US $22.40 运费 预计送达日期:11月22日, 星期三 - 12月4日, 星期一预计送达日期:11月22日, 星期三 - 12月4日, 星期一 退货: 30 天退货.由买家支付退货运费. 物品状况: 全新全新 No batteries or electricity necessary. Works for up to 10 years. Non-toxic and ec...
I have owned pellet rifles and I thought a pump pistol would be at least satisfactory this one bounced off a 2 x 4 the same as my daisy BB gun did, so I changed brand pellets and the new pallet did stick to the 2 x 4 but still unsatisfied with 8 pumps and just barely sticking ...
both eyes open gives you greater peripheral vision and depth perception, so the unlimited eye relief is a great benefit of this scope. The sight operates on two 1.5V AA batteries. It supports lithium, alkaline, and rechargeable batteries for plenty of power options. You get 1,000 hours of ...