Multiple items on the Active listing page aren't working for several of us 1) Nothing in the "Quick Filters is working for me 2) Most of the
在线刊登(Active Listings)页面推出更多营销选项:卖家现在可以直接在“在线刊登”页面上找到更多营销工具,只需点击一下即可,包括创建特价活动(sale events)、设置批量购买折扣(volume pricing)等,未来还将囊括创建和管理优惠券(coupons)功能。 “销售更快(Sell it faster)”新推荐:卖家可以在这里了解哪些物品刊登可以通过...
①Seller Hub直接进入“Listings”栏,然后Active Listings处可以直接点击“Promote” 进行投放且设定投放比率; ②Seller Hub页通过“Marketing”栏下方“Promotions”进入“Manage Promotions”界面,然后点击左列最下面的“Promoted Listings”之后进入“Promoted Listings”界面。下一步点击右上方或者右下方的蓝色Icon(Create Nw...
The problem is exclusive to the active listings page - no other page - and only started when eBay made this change. I use a Mac, not a PC - maybe eBay has the performance optimized for PCs. Must be, as I don't come here just to lie about things like this. 3 s...
如果您的物品刊登为fixable listing,在seller hub - active listings的页面会出现的话是“This listing has a policy violation. It’s hidden until you can fix it.”。除此以外,是卖家无法通过自动修改(edit)方式来主动修复的。如果对non-fixable listing有更多疑问,可以联系客户服务进一步咨询。
收货地址 简体中文 出售 追踪列表展开“追踪列表” 我的eBay展开“我的 eBay” 展开“购物车” 按类别选购 浏览全部类别 全部类别古董文物艺术品婴儿用品书籍商业、工业用品相机、照片手机、手机配件服装、鞋靴、配件硬币、纸币收藏品电脑、平板电脑、网络消费电子产品工艺品玩偶及玩具熊DVD、影片娱乐纪念品礼卡、优惠券...
Go to My eBay or Selling Manager to see your active listings. Click on the link at the top of the page for "Add required product identifiers". You'll be redirected to the eBay Bulk Edit and Relist Tool (BEAR). Enter the UPC, ISBN or EAN. If the product does not have this informat...
Automatically import all active listings from your eBay account to your Shopify store, including images and variants. Cost: Free to $59.99/month, depending on plan Noteworthy 5 ⭐ review:“I have used the app to manage the inventory from my existing eBay store and it has proved to be a ...
Download all of your sold, unsold, and active listings. Modify listing quantity and selling price of active listings or relist unsold items with updated quantities and price directly from the sheet! 14 Day Risk-Free Trial Try it today with no risk. Cancel at any time with no charges. ...
Most active listings may be changed by the seller. This is known as revising the listing. The seller can specify a new value for one or multiple elements of the item's definition or remove an element. ReviseItem, which is analogous to the Revise Your Item (RYI) page on the eBay market...