65 medical - qa - question - questions - clinical 75 65_medical_qa_question_questions 66 math - mathematical - math word - word problems - problems 73 66_math_mathematical_math word_word problems 67 financial - stock - market - price - news 69 67_financial_stock_market_price 68 ta...
Medication Options for Rate and Rhythm Control In critically ill patients without severe hemodynamic decompensation resulting from AF, clinicians have a range of medical therapies to consider for rate or rhythm control. Frequently chosen rate control medications are nondih...
医嘱和处方中的简写在现代医学领域中,应用十分广泛。大家尤其需要注意的是,这些词汇多数不是英文缩写。 以常用的处方简写为例: bid(原文bis in die)每日二次; tid(原文ter in die)每日三次; qid(qualer in die)每日四次; sig(原文signa, sig...
📍另一个种说法是:Another theory suggests that US soldiers in World War I (1914-1918) referred to a serving of instant coffee made by the G. Washington Coffee Refining Company (founded in 1910) as a "cup of George", and that the common abbreviation of t...
一、概况 ●美国《医学索引》(IndexMedicus,IM)是世界上最常用的检索医药卫生学文献的一种印刷版题录型检索工具。●IM旧版创刊于1879年,1960年恢复原刊名。现由美国国立医学图书馆(NLM)编辑出版。月刊,每年一卷。●收录范围:IM现收录世界上40多个文种的生物医学期刊4098余种(国内期刊70种)。每年文献报道量...
testAbbreviation, 'ceiling':1, 'floor':1, }) }) this.$message({ message: '操作成功', type: 'success', duration: 1000, onClose: () => { this.dialogVisible1 = false this.$emit('refreshDataList') } }) }, removeList(index){ //删除行数 this.dataForm.detailed.splice(index, 1) ...
There are only three problems: 1) prostate cancer (CaP), which is a common cause of death among adult men; 2) benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is also a common cause of morbidity among adult men and represents an indication for considerable medical and surgical therapy; and 3) ...
< Constitution > Shorter side ligneous of the profile abbreviation triangular form 5 - 12cmAs for the health equipment itself 1 which was formed with component, the top which is put to each armGive the roundness in section 2A, 2B and 2C, radius of curvature of the said apexThe tune ...
一、下载VIP数据(复习)1、在VIP网站文章搜索栏选择搜索类别 这里选择默认,“题名/关键字”,文本框中输入需要搜索的内容,如肺癌基因,单击文章搜索,看到搜索结果 检索内容项 2、搜索结果 下载搜索结果 选择需要导出的论文这里选择全选 3、选择下载格式这里选择全记录格式。单击“确定”按钮。也可选择其他格式,到...
CT is the abbreviation for Cape Town, a city in South Africa. It is the capital of the Western Cape province and the second-largest city in the country. 7. Carat. CT is the abbreviation for carat, a unit of measurement for the weight of diamonds and other gemstones. One carat is equa...