2. Investment Requirement: Applicants must commit a minimum of $500,000 to a U.S. business entity. If the investment is made in a Targeted Employment Area (TEA), which includes regions with high unemployment or rural areas, the minimum investment amount is reduced to $1 million....
02 投资额涨价 Investment Amounts。 新的法案将最低的投资额定在TEA区域80万美元,非TEA区域105万。并且将根据“通胀”每5年进行一次调整。 所以并不一定保留80万,很有可能还会涨价,不过仍然比之前的90万和180万相比,降低了很多。 03 签证名额预留 Reserved Visas。 1万张EB-5配额中,将有32%的签证预留:其中,2...
什么是目标就业区域(TEA)? 一般而言,EB-5投资移民的最低投资额要求为100万美元,但如果投资项目位于目标就业区域,即由法律规定的高失业率地区,则最低投资额要求可减为50万美元。注意最低投资额的不同是由投资项目所在地决定的,而不是由投资项目是直接的EB-5投资还是通过区域中心的EB-5投资来决定的。 事实上,几...
嫌大侠翻译水平不高的请自行参阅英文原文。 大侠收到的目前法案全文39页,链接:https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1221/0544/files/EB-5_Legislative_Bill_to_Increase_Minimum_Investment_Amount_to_800K.pdf?v=1646679391 大侠的解读根据此版内容,根据此版的线索,只是参议院司法委员会内部留出的探讨版本。最后...
The standard minimum investment amount increases to $1.8 million (from $1 million) to account for inflation.The minimum investment in a TEA increases to $900,000 (from $500,000) to account for inflation.Future adjustments will also be tied to inflation (per the Consumer Price Index for All...
Investment amounts will be raised and adjusted every 5 years factoring in economic conditions of the United States. This will enable the stakeholders to predict the economic turbulences and plan their business model accordingly. 3. Will “proxy” I-526 petitions filed before the date of effect be...
增加投资金额(Increases to the Investment Amounts):非TEA,从100万涨到180万;TEA区域,从50万涨...
requirements have been met. Although the statute does not explicitly specify when the two-year period under INA 203(b)(5)(A)(i) begins, we interpret the start date as the date the requisite amount of qualifying investment is made. In other words, we will use the date the investment was...
such as the number of EB-5 investment plans approved by the U.S. government, investment amounts, applicant groups, and geographic distribution. Form B, on the other hand, categorizes data based on ECF (RC) numbers or the full names of applicants,统计特定的EB-5计划和相关数据。
(i) begins, we interpret the start date as the date the requisite amount of qualifying investment is made. In other words, we will use the date the investment was contributed to the new commercial enterprise and placed at risk in accordance with applicable requirements, including being made ...