2. 给出NVC阶段材料清单和指引; 3. 在B 表排期到的时间及时启动NVC工作:缴纳担保费、签证处理费、填写DS260(不为移民面谈留坑)、按指引递交相关文件。此步处理好敏感的CCP(DY)背景尤为重要,敏感专业、职业、单位都需要一一排查及专业处理; 4. 确保资料完整且严格按照NVC规格,尽量避免补件; 5. 拿到审结信;...
application process do i need a job offer to apply for the eb-2 niw visa? no, one of the unique features of the eb-2 niw visa is that it does not require a job offer or employer sponsorship. you can self-petition based on your qualifications and the national importance of your work...
工作没有对国家利益产生实质性影响的个人:EB-2 NIW类别适用于那些工作符合国家利益的个人,所以那些不符合此标准的个人将无法获得资格。 不符合EB-2签证要求的个人:为了符合EB-2 NIW的资格,个人必须首先满足EB-2签证的要求,包括在其领域拥有高级学位或卓越能力。 工作不需要高级学位或卓越能力的个人:EB-2 NIW类别适...
8. EB2 Visa Processing Time The overall time it takes to process your EB2 visa application will depend on many factors. Some of these factors include when you apply, what your country of origin is, and your specific case. You should usually receive your PERM labor certification response in...
National Interest Waiver resources - list of links to official sources where you can download forms, find requirements, laws or NIW cases.
NIW FAQsNIW Success Approval or Refund We guarantee the approval of your case or you get the full refund. No other law firm can make the same guarantee. Our firm has developed winning strategies in NIW application, and therefore have 100% confidence in every NIW petition we submit. ...
EB5投资移民 EB1A杰出人才移民 NIW国家豁免利益移民 美国亲属移民 豁免申请I-601 未婚签证K1 美国境内申请绿卡 加拿大移民 BC省提名移民项目 安省省提名移民项目 大西洋AIP雇主担保移民 萨省雇主担保移民 联邦自雇移民 欧洲移民 希腊移民 爱尔兰移民 土耳其移民 葡萄牙移民 马耳他移民 斯洛伐克 留学教育 美国留学 加拿大...
I recommend applying for this category NIW, once you have H-1B visa. If you get I-140 denial, you can reapply without penalty (although this wasn’t our case – straight approval). Also, if you hold an H-1B, DO NOT apply to I-131 Advance Parole. We didn’t apply to Advance Pa...
GC4Engineers helps engineers worldwide to obtain a Green Card through the EB2(NIW) visa. The EB-2 National Interest Waiver (NIW) visa allows experienced engineers to obtain a Green Card without the need for a job offer and an American company sponsoring
美国移民局稍后会在www.uscis.gov/visabulletininfo网页上公布是否那些优先日期早于这些日期的申请人可按这些日期递交身份调整申请。 长期以来,我们一直鼓励我们的客户尽早递交NIW申请。在从2008年到2017年的十年间,我所获得了3000件NIW申请的批准。在从2012年到2017年的六年间,我所获得了1300多件EB-1申请的批准。