We published samples ofNIW referenceandcover letteras well as tips how to build successful petition, what evidence to include in EB2 NIW petition and how to avoid common mistakes. Read more in categoryNIW petition. Green card process NIW green card application process requires filing forms in tw...
We included this80-pagesbook (value $9.99) toguideyou through all the steps of EB2 NIW application, presenting comprehensivestep-by-step instructions. The book will help you to understand important facts (laws, precedent case etc.) and tobuild your own successful NIW case. We will lead you ...
常规的EB-2申请需要工作职位承诺(JOB OFFER)和劳工证(PERM),但NIW例外。 截止至2023年前两季度,美国移民局共审理NIW移民申请案件19,812例(仅计算案件已审结数据),获批数为16,734例,总获批率达84.46%。 如此高的获批量对于想要申请NIW的伙伴来说是一个利好消息。 1、美国NIW移民项目适合什么样的人群? 高学位人...
昨天,美国国务院公布了2025年3月美国职业移民绿卡排期情况。这个月又让人大失所望,除了EB2(NIW)和EB3有一点点前进外,其他仍然是停滞状态,甚至还有倒退了519天的排期,太让人震惊了。表B继续关停。一、表A最终裁定日:表A:最终裁定日期(Application Final Action Dates),又称移民排期,移民签证的批准日期。
国家利益豁免(NIW绿卡) EB-2A和EB-2B都是PERM劳工证申请中工作职位要求硕士学位或者学士学位另外加5年工作经验的申请类别。 而国际利益豁免NIW则是因为符合美国国家利益而申请免除PERM劳工许可申请的申请类别。我们暂且不提。 PERM和NIW的区别: PERM要求美国雇主在永久雇佣外国员工之前通过美国劳工部程序先登广告招收合格...
美国NIW国家利益豁免移民 这个属于美国职业移民EB2中的一个特例,为了吸引更多优秀人士移民美国,NIW项目直接豁免掉雇主,如此一来排期就比较短了。 无需等待漫长的劳工卡,是NIW吸引申请人的一个优势。除此之外,美国NIW还没有语言、年龄、投资等要求,成功率非常高。
4 NIW不需雇主,可同时申请EB1移民 申请费用:APPLICATION FEES 费用类型申请金额 I-140申请 700美元 I-140申请加急费 1410美元 NVC签证费 345美元/人 登陆费用 165美元/人申请材料:APPLICATION MATERIALS 1、专业人才类别 (1)学位证书原件、如原件为非英文证书,则同时需具备专业英语8 级翻译资质的认证翻译件...
The national interest waiver (NIW) is an attractive option for certain qualified individuals to get a green card to the United States through self-petition. The national interest waiver offers the opportunity to pursue a green card without a job offer. In this guide, I will explain what you ...
application process do i need a job offer to apply for the eb-2 niw visa? no, one of the unique features of the eb-2 niw visa is that it does not require a job offer or employer sponsorship. you can self-petition based on your qualifications and the national importance of your work...