爱普生 EB-L520U L530U L630U L630SU L635SU L730U L735U
PowerLite® EB-L520U/EB-L530U/EB- L630U/EB-L630SU/EB-L635SU/EB- L730U/EB-L735U Users Guide Contents ® EB-L520U/EB-L530U/EB-L630U/EB-L630SU/EB-L635SU/EB-L730U/EB-L735U Users PowerLite Guide 11 Introduction to Your Projector 12 Projector Features 12 Product Box Conte...
Note: The Epson 802.11b/g/n wireless LAN module is not included with the PowerLite EB-L520U. The wireless module is built-in for the PowerLite EB-L530U/EB-L630U/EB-L630SU/EB-L635SU/EB- L730U/EB-L735U. There are two ways to connect to your projector wirelessly: • Creating...
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