school location eau claire high school 7450 hochberger rd eau claire, michigan 49111 # 7,399 in national rankings # 254 in michigan high schools nearby schools explore map ranked school unranked school best colleges in michigan university of michigan--ann arbor #21 in...
Overview of Eau Claire Virtual School Eau Claire Virtual School is ranked 363-462nd within Wisconsin. The total minority enrollment is 32%. Eau Claire Virtual School is 1 of 4 high schools in the Eau Claire Area School District. Eau Claire Virtual School 2024...
Eau Claire Girls Soccer Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser View Image 1 day ago, Heidi Clark Yesterday was the first day of Lybrook's After School Program! This is providing extra practice in math and reading, as well as lessons on living healthy! Go Beavers! View Images 1 day ago, Heidi Clark...
Looking for Catholic schooling in the Eau Claire, WI area? Contact Regis Catholic Schools today! We offer many levels of education for your child. Ccontact our Eau Claire, WI office to learn more today!
Thestudent to faculty ratio at University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire is 20 to 1, which is high when compared to the national average of 15 to 1. This may indicate that some of your classes will be larger in size than they would be at other schools. However, upper level classes will pr...
5235 Renee Court, Eau Claire, WI 54703 is a 2,646 sqft, 3 bed, 3 bath home sold in 2023. See the estimate, review home details, and search for homes nearby.
Source: Location provided by Precisely | Ratings provided by GreatSchools Neighborhood Noise, Commute Facts about 2610 E Princeton Ave In the Independence Park neighborhood of Eau Claire, WI Commute time:Add a commute Noise level:N/A This home has a n/a noise level for the surrounding ...
North High School 9-12 Public 1565 StudentsEau Claire Area School District 6/10 GreatSchools Rating Parent Rating Average This school at least for the 2-3 years I've been here has been pretty below mediocre. Every class feels redundant and overstated except for Personal Finance (the only clas...
Source: Location provided by Precisely | Ratings provided by GreatSchools Neighborhood Noise, Commute Facts about 4965 Hobbs Ct In the West Eau Claire neighborhood of Eau Claire, WI Commute time:Add a commute Noise level:N/A This home has a n/a noise level for the surrounding areaAsk an...
6740 Old Pipestone Rd, Eau Claire, MI 49111 Off Market Skip to the beginning of the carousel Nearby schools GreatSchools rating 2/10 Lybrook Elementary School Grades: PK-5Distance: 1 mi 2/10 Eau Claire Middle School Grades: 6-8Distance: 1.3 mi 5/10 Eau Claire High School Grades: 9-12...