Overview of Eau Claire Virtual School Eau Claire Virtual School is ranked 363-462nd within Wisconsin. The total minority enrollment is 32%. Eau Claire Virtual School is 1 of 4 high schools in the Eau Claire Area School District. Eau Claire Virtual School 2024 R...
get 1:1 support building a comprehensive admissions strategy with a collegeadvisor admissions expert. connect with an expert today powered by students/teachers at eau claire high school these counts and percentages of students and teachers are from data reported by schools to ...
5235 Renee Court, Eau Claire, WI 54703 is a 2,646 sqft, 3 bed, 3 bath home sold in 2023. See the estimate, review home details, and search for homes nearby.
Looking for Catholic schooling in the Eau Claire, WI area? Contact Regis Catholic Schools today! We offer many levels of education for your child. Ccontact our Eau Claire, WI office to learn more today!
Eau What a Night: 110th Chamber Annual Meeting Award Winners The Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce hosted Eau What… Read More View More Posts Featured Events Eau Claire Chamber of Commerce investors may participate in a wide variety of events: advocacy, leadership, networking, seminars, workfo...
Growing strong in the Eau Claire area for four decades!At En Avant, we strive to help each child in our dance program attain self-confidence and the highest level of skill she/he is capable of achieving. We provide the foundation for dance to become a lifetime activity that will lead to...
Mailing Address: 500 Main St, Eau Claire, WI 54701 School Operational Details Vocational School Charter School School District Details Eau Claire Area School District Per-Pupil Spending: $10,310 Graduation Rate: 100.0% Dropout Rate: 1.7%
Come as you are to Eau Claire to experience a place where everyone is welcome, live music is celebrated, hospitality is real, and there is always cheese and beer.
K-5 Public 486 StudentsEau Claire Area School District 6/10 GreatSchools Rating Parent Rating Average Excellent school with great staff and building is very nice. The education is amazing and the students are very knowledgeable and friendly. The playground area is very nicely done and open to ...
Related to Eau Claire:Eau Claire County Eau Claire (ō klâr′) A city of west-central Wisconsin at the confluence of the Chippewa River and theEau Clair River,a tributary about 110 km (70 mi) long. Founded in the 1840s, the city grew as a lumbering center. ...