5235 Renee Court, Eau Claire, WI 54703 is a 2,646 sqft, 3 bed, 3 bath home sold in 2023. See the estimate, review home details, and search for homes nearby.
Mailing Address: 500 Main St, Eau Claire, WI 54701 School Operational Details Vocational School Charter School School District Details Eau Claire Area School District Per-Pupil Spending: $10,310 Graduation Rate: 100.0% Dropout Rate: 1.7%
School District: Eau Claire Other Property Info Annual Tax Amount: 4344 Source Listing Status: Active County: Berrien Directions: Eau Claire Rd to Hochberger Rd to address Tax Year: 2020 Source Property Type: Residential Area: Southwestern Michigan - S ...
Overview of Eau Claire Virtual School Eau Claire Virtual School is ranked 363-462nd within Wisconsin. The total minority enrollment is 32%. Eau Claire Virtual School is 1 of 4 high schools in the Eau Claire Area School District. Eau Claire Virtual School 2024 R...
High School District: Eau Claire Area Middle or Junior School District: Eau Claire Area Other Property Info Annual Tax Amount: 5414 Source Listing Status: Closed County: Eau Claire Directions: North Crossing (Hwy 312) to North on McKinley to East on LaSalle Street to North on E Princeton...
9-12 Public 1565 StudentsEau Claire Area School District 6/10 GreatSchools Rating Parent Rating Average This school at least for the 2-3 years I've been here has been pretty below mediocre. Every class feels redundant and overstated except for Personal Finance (the only class I have personall...
Looking for childcare in Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls area? Kids USA Learning Center is a family owned and operated childcare center serving Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls. Your child is cared for in a room that is custom designed specifically for their
professionals attended a one-day continuing education conference sponsored by the Eau Claire Family Practice Residency and the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire School of Nursing, to address the topics identified by the needs assessment ... E Spencer,K Shadick,S Kasik-Miller - 《Wisconsin Medical...
4415 Clay St, Eau Claire, WI 54701 Home values near 7107 Julius Dr Data from public records. AddressRedfin Estimate 6921 Julius DriveEau Claire, WI 4Beds |3Baths |2850Sq. Ft. $391,003 6929 Julius DriveEau Claire, WI 3Beds |3Baths |2261Sq. Ft. ...
Pub with my discount nearly recovering the cost of the tour. Visitors to the Eau Claire area or local residents that want to learn more about the city should definitely make plans to spend a beautiful day out in the open-air while enjoying a pleasant history...