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洛杉矶Eaton徒步,亲子乐翻天! 探索了最近网上热议的Eaton Canyon徒步路线,果然名不虚传!我们原本计划在Eaton Canyon Nature Center停车,然后全程徒步,但到达时发现停车场大门紧锁。于是,我们转而选择了Mt Wilson/Pinecrest Gate的捷径。沿着这条路线,我们会经过一个铁门,继续前行会看到一座桥。过了桥后,选择右手边的道...
位于Pasadena北部的这条小径,终点是壮观的Eaton Canyon Falls,是夏日避暑的绝佳去处。🚶♂️ 你可以选择两种不同的路线: 全程溯溪:从Eaton Canyon Nature Center开始,前1.2英里没有遮阴,建议早上7点前出发,避免高温。Trail起点需要蹚水一次,水很浅。 瀑布附近路线:只走瀑布附近的那一段,这里有树荫,至少需要...
虽然Eaton Canyon Fall Trail的长度适中,但在炎热的夏天,我建议你们早上或者傍晚去。这个时候的温度比较舒适,不会让你的狗狗太疲劳。而且,别忘了带上足够的水和零食,人和狗狗都需要补充能量。如果你开车过来,可以把车停在Eaton Canyon Nature Center,因为那边的停车位比较多。总的来说,这次的户外之旅真的超级棒。...
Eaton Canyon Nature Area to Eaton Canyon Waterfall Hike: Eaton Canyon Trail description, photos, GPS map & hike directions, Pasadena, CA - San Gabriel Mountains
Eaton Canyon was badly burned in a brush fire in 1993 and the slopes and flats are still recovering. A fire ecology brochure available at the nature center explains how the area’s native plants regrew following the fire. 徒步路径信息 活动类型: 徒步 附近城市: Pasadena 区域: Pasadena ...
Eaton Canyon Natural Area Park 4.6·Hard·14.3 km·Est. 4h 55m Idlehour Trail via Mount Wilson Trail [CLOSED] Eaton Canyon Natural Area Park 4.6·Hard·29.6 km·Est. 10h 35m Henninger Loop via Idlehour and Sam Merrill Trail [CLOSED] ...
I drove a short distance down the road to the Mosaic Canyon. Here is the start of the trail into the canyon. It was a beautiful hike with several slot canyons and amazing scenery everywhere. You can see the scale with the person in front of me. ...