Eaton B-Line系列快速连接器产品说明书 Eaton's B-Line series fasteners Beams Beams 112Read safety/installation instruction sheets in packages before use.•BMC3 plate is available to support multiple conduit runs.•Riveted assembly secures electrical boxes and conduit runs...
Eaton B-Line系列电子箱产品说明书 Wireway Type 12/13 Type 3R Type 4 Disconnects Type 4X Fiberglass Push Buttons Type 1Type 4X Console & Consolet Thermal Products Accessories Eaton's B-Line series enclosure solutions are designed to meet our customer requirements. From standard stock product to...
美国Eaton公司产品说明书:Eaton B-Line系列管道支架和指导器B2027PADCU(5 Eaton B2027PADCU(5/8CT)Eaton B-Line series tubing clamp/pipe guide, 0.06" H x 2.2790" L x 1.25" W, Steel, 400 load cap, 1/4"-20 bolt/pin size, Copper tubing clamp General specifications Eaton B-Line series...
Eaton B-Line Series 产品说明书 Beams 99 Read safety/installation instruction sheets in packages before use.These products are designed for positioning only. No load rating.Eaton's B-Line series fasteners Push-T ype Conduit T o Beam Fasteners • Quickly attaches ...
Eaton B-Line系列垂直内弯4A-18-90VI24产品说明说明书 Eaton 4A-18-90VI24 Eaton B-Line series vertical inside bend, 4" H x 31.1880" W x 18"L, Aluminum, 24" radius, 90° angle General specifications Product Name Catalog Number Eaton B-Line series vertical inside bend4A-18-90VI24 UPC ...
美国Eaton公司产品说明:Eaton B-Line系列左侧缩减器4A-18-LR06说明书 Eaton 4A-18-LR06 Eaton B-Line series left reducer, 4" H x 14.97" W x 18" L,Aluminum, 18" and 6" Tray " Widths General specifications Product Name Catalog Number Eaton B-Line series left reducer4A-18-LR06 UPC ...
28.10.2024 Series 2,3,4 & 5 Steel Cable Tray 28.10.2024 Series 3 & 4 Stainless Steel 28.10.2024 Cable Cleats 28.10.2024 Fiberglass Tray 28.10.2024 Perforated & Solid Bottom Cable Tray - Northern Asia 28.10.2024 KwikRail Aluminum Cable Tray ...
Eaton B-Line系列产品介绍及应用指南说明书 SERIES heating, air conditioning and refrigeration solutions
Eaton B-Line系列Redi-rail电缆托盘说明书 Eaton RSI06A075KO09SL-09-144 Eaton B-Line series Redi-rail cable tray, 6" height, 144" length, 9"width, 19.544lbs, 0.75" KO, REDI-RAIL straight section, Aluminum Eaton B-Line series Redi-rail cable tray RSI06A075KO09SL-09-144 782051930061144...
Eaton 6A-12-06-HT12 Eaton B-Line series horizontal tee, 6" H x 21" W x 12" L, Aluminum,12" and 6" Tray " Widths, 12" radius General specifications Product Name Catalog Number Eaton B-Line series horizontal tee6A-12-06-HT12 UPC Product Length/Depth 78101109125521 in Product Height ...