This necessitates collaboration among endocrinologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, dietitians, and other healthcare professionals to ensure an effective treatment that addresses the full spectrum of medical (i.e., clinical obesity) and psychological (i.e., eating disorder) needs wi...
(NCNP) called the Center for Eating Disorder Research and Information (CEDRI), which allowed some studies and educational activities to be carried out. Under this center, several prefectures are working toward creating treatment and support programs. Unfortunately, there is yet to be a medical ...
Direct Line: 919-283-2984 | Fax: 984-733-8433 You belong here. Eating disorder recovery coaching is not a replacement for psychotherapy or medical services. Recovery coaches are unable to diagnose or treat mental health concerns. If you are seeking mental health treatment, ...
Hudson JI, M cElroy SL, Raymond NC , Crow S, Keck PE Jr, Carter W P, M itchell JE, Strakowski SM , Pope HG Jr, Coleman BS, Jonas JM : Fluvoxamine in the treatment of binge-eating disorder: a multicenter placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. Am J Psy- chiatry 1998; 155:1756...
It can take a long time—sometimes years or decades—for people with an eating disorder to decide to seek help. When they do, there are numerous treatment options that can help them recover. People with eating disorders often receive outpatient treatment, but severe cases may require hospitalizat...
The first, original Eating Disorder Treatment Review site! Find reviews of treatment centers, written by people who have actually been there.
Key Words:Psychosis;Anorexia;Bulimia;Eating disorder;Comorbidity Core tip:Eating disorder symptoms and psychotic symptoms may co-exist and may serve individual psychological purposes. When planning treatment, the whole person needs to be kept in mind, lest curing one symptom exacerbates another. Effectiv...
作者: NCCFM Health 摘要: This guideline has been developed to advise on the identification, treatment and management of the eating disorders anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and related conditions. The guideline recommendations have been developed by a multidisciplinary group of health care ...
Night Eating Syndrome is an eating disorder that impacts about 1% of the general population and 6 to 16% of those diagnosed with obesity.
Decaluwé V., Braet C.: Prevalence of binge-eating disorder in obese children and adolescents seeking weight-loss treatment. Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord., 27, 404–409, 2003. Article PubMed Google Scholar Decaluwé V., Braet C., Fairburn C.G.: Binge eating in obese children...