The chicken egg measures more than 30 mm in diameter (not counting the surrounding albuminous membrane), and the ostrich egg has a diameter of 80 mm (the total length of the egg in the shell is 155 mm). There is no clear-cut relationship between the size of the egg and the size of...
My soup base is just five ingredients: organic chicken stock, reduced sodium soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic clove (smashed), and fresh ginger (sliced and smashed). Sliced Chinese barbecue pork and hardboiled egg are my protein ingredients. Then I topped the soup with some bean sprouts and gr...
or oviduct, the tube that carries said egg from the ovary to the external world, a bit of blood can land on the egg yolk (more common) or within the white (quite uncommon). Contrary to popular belief, this does not mean that the egg is fertilized, the Egg Farmers of Canada confirm....