你太不讲信用了,You eat your own words你太不讲信用了,You eat your own words 2022-05-02 22:25:2601:40 37 所属专辑:英语街摘录 Teens' Space Digest 喜欢下载分享 声音简介算了,Forget about it气死我了,I'm pissed 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 ...
有的时候, to eat one's words 可能会使自己很窘.比如说,一个人问朋友借钱,说好了一个礼拜以后还.但是,一个礼拜过了,他以為能收到的钱结果没有到,他只好去对那朋友说: Michael, I'm really embarrassed that I have to eat my own words. The money I expected to receive last week didn't arrive....
Eat Your Own Words on Obamacare, Debbie Wasserman SchultzAt the end of 2013, Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz hadsome nasty words for yours...Malkin, Michelle
这个习惯用语的意思:把你说过的话吞下去,即常说的“食言”;说了话,或者是做了保证不能实现,也就是 “一个人说话不算数”。有的时候, to eat one's words 可能会使人很窘。比如说,一个人问朋友借钱,说好了一个礼拜以后还,但是,一个礼拜过了,他以为能收到的钱结果没有收到,他只好...
•To eat your own words:收回之前说过的话(和”to eat one’s words” 同义)。 •To eat through:通过努力或坚持度过困难(如:They were able to eat through the tough times and come out stronger)。 以上是进一步的用法和句型,这些用法可以帮助你更准确地表达和理解与 “to eat” 和“eat” 相关的...
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To eat one's words作为习惯用语,它的意思就是:食言,说了话,或做了保证不能实现。也就是一个人说了话不算数。有的时候,to eat one's words可能会使自己很窘。比如说,一个人问朋友借钱,说好了一个礼拜以后还。但是,一个礼拜过了,他以为能收到的...
usually in a humiliating way. The term first appeared in a sixteenth-century tract by John Calvin on Psalm 62: “God eateth not his word when he hath once spoken.” In 1618 Sir Walter Raleigh wrote in his memoirs, “Nay wee’le make you confesse . . . and eat your own words,” ...
Michael, I'm really embarrassed that I have to eat my own words. 麦克,这回我不得不自食其言了。我真是感到非常难为情。 You are easy≠你很轻松 这句话的意思是:你很容易。 例句: You've seen only with your eyes, so you are easy to fool. ...
willeat your wordssooner or later. 别说大话,我保证你迟早要收回前言承认错误 这里的意思不是食言 而相当于take back one’s words 撤回自己的言辞 有时候在微信聊天不小心发错了话 或者把发给朋友的信息发给了领导 是不是就超想take back自己的words?