A very intelligent person once said that everyone needs a guru to guide him or her through life. Fortunately, I think today I have finally met my guru or rather God has finally brought me to her. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to-- Elizabeth Gil... (展开) ...
Like Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat Pray Love, Rita Golden Gelman in the book leaves her life to become a nomad traveling the world. She covers several continents such as Africa, Asia, and America. As she learns the culture of different places and makes local connections, Rita slowly discovers hers...
Eat Me! Elizabeth Lee, Jun Naito, Ivy Hong 2 votes A band tries to escape from a city filled with undead. Released: 2009 Directed by: Katie Carman 22 Eat With Me George Takei, Nicole Sullivan, Matt Borlenghi 2 votes Eat With Me is a 2013 Comedy-Drama film written and directed by Da...